A triptych of yummy stuff

I do not like the colour of my kitchen, it’s orange. I do not like the border of apples and pears that is crossing right over the wall paper on the middle of the wall. But since I live there and see it everyday (and can’t afford to redecorate!), I try to do the best of it. So last winter I asked my not-father-in-law if he could frame some pictures for my birthday, and he did (he owns a gallery and does this very well)!

He used three photos we took in Cambodia and Thailand in 2003, and framed them in a triptych, like this:

Kitchen wall
Three of a kind!

♥ I love how it came out, and that is our art on our wall! And no, I don’t know what the green thing in the bottles are. I guess some kind of juice? It was sold on the streets in a little moped wagon, and we were just passing by and jumped of and took a snap shot. I love the green color of this photo. ♥ I love green! The second picture is a violet little pile of eggplants in a market – and the third is a close up of growing coffee beans.

Above the triptych is a shelf of kitchen stuff, like my pink kitchen scales (♥), a flower pot with lefts that looks like hearts and some of my many glass jars (these contains cereals for breakfast and pasta). I love too be able to look at food even when I’m not cooking.

This post is part of Studio Friday: three of a kind, actually a triptych in my kitchen.

9 Responses

  1. Love the pictures-such vibrancy in color and composition. You can call me Mel, Hanna. I give you permission. :) I just got done (5 minutes ago. I’m hiding out in my office) showing my students some photographs by Friedlander. He has an exhibit at the MOMA in NYC. Google him and check it out. He is known for his multiple perspectives-taking a picture from the inside of his car and framing it through the car window. He is also known for the layering in his photos. One picture is of two people taking a picture of Mount Rushmore but the monument is reflected in the windows behind the picture-taking couple. Very cool stuff. We had ten minutes today to fill after a Current Events class, so I took them to the classroom and showed them his photos. Thanks for the encouraging words.

  2. Hanna,

    I looove the color of your kitchen. So warm and cozy. I wished I had color on our walls in the house but we haven’t had the guts yet to paint them ourselves.
    I love how you hung the frame just in the center of the bordering line. just perfect designwise!! Your little bouquet of clover leafs is sooo gorgeous. The perfect finishing touch :-)

  3. I especially love the picture of the growing coffee beans. Coffee is my new obsession and I am learning os much about it lately.

  4. Beautiful photos!! Great art for on the kitchen wall. I also like to put food like pasta, dried tomato’s etc. in glas jars on a shelve in my kitchen.

  5. I love how you’ve made the best of your kitchen even though there are things you don’t like about it (but I must say that I just love your orange walls and am planning on painting my kitchen a similar color soon!)

    Those are wonderful photos — so crisp and fresh looking!

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