100 Ideas to Spark you into Creative Action
I’ve listed 100 Creative Ideas to Spark you into Action all tried out during my five beautiful blogging years, inspired by recent list makings. There are 100 ideas that will point you in “the right” direction for a more creative life. I believe creative action gives happiness in abundance. And that is what I wish for you!

I wish you happiness and joy all summer long! I wish for you a life that is filled with art, craft, friends, sunshine, creativity adventures, inspiration, rainbows, new knowledge and exiting explorations. All ideas are free for you to use. And all comes from iHanna with love! Here you go:
1. Read the book A Creative Year by yours truly, I hope you’ll like it
2. Write a mission statement that includes creativity and read it often to remind yourself of where you’re going
3. Live in the present moment and enjoy the now because it’s the best place to be
4. Allow yourself to obsess over cute stuff even if you consider yourself to be a grown up
5. Find happiness in little things, in the details, in the mundane.
6. Explore creative blogs to find like minded, inspiration, new friends, make contact!
7. Make a field of flowers from thrifted doilies and other treasures. Anything can be a creative spring board if used in unusual ways.
8. Read many wonderful books on creativity and keep your favorites close by
9. Cut apart a pair of old jeans and design your own hand bag in the perfect size for your personal needs
10. Customize a letter stamp set with unmounted stamps and write big with it
11. Play with water soluble crayons on paper and drench it in water
12. Decoupage pretty papers to a blank notebook cover to make it your own
13. Pick up a needle and hand sew a patchwork ball and start juggling
14. Look through your stash of pens and try all of them
15. Try experimenting with glass fusing to make jewelry gifts
16. Cast on and knit a crazy scarf with fun fluffy yarns
17. Share genious and interesting articles with your friends so that they too can learn new stuff
18. Use pretty napkins and make shabby chic fridge magnets (download and print the pdf I made)
19. Make a cool inspiration board from a big frame to hang up things and cards that you enjoy
20. Make pretty mixed media postcards for your loved ones
21. Glue buttons to something to make it pretty, like the IKEA mirror frame – because it’s fun
22. Break china plates and create a unique mosaic pot that everyone will be envious of
23. Buy a bag of concrete and make a bird bath from a rhubarb mould for your garden
24. Don’t drink your Kool-Aid and don’t eat the Jell-O but use it to dye yarn with!
25. If you have a cat you could sew a cat basket just because you can.
26. Join a swap and make a batch of chunky book pages, tire yourself out!
27. Experiment with old photos and make art with them, like I did with the Asian Dog Postcards
28. Felt a sweater and cut out a pair of Serendipity gloves
29. Go choose yourself a good journal because you need (another) one
30. Continue to ask questions – always keep asking and the answers will come…
31. Doodle and copy to make your own fun stickers!
32. Invite your friends to a crafternoon this week (invite everyone!)
33. Experiment with gesso and bubble wrap in your journal
34. Get into Artist Trading Cards and start trading them with people around the world
35. Sew a scarf out of fleece because it’s so soft and you need soft
36. Crochet a bowl with fabric stripes and put little stupid stuff inside it!
37. Play with angelina fibers and admire how it shimmers and shines
38. Celebrate how great you are and bake a chocolate cake for yourself
39. Capture a photo project in a Blurb book with your own design
40. Explore your inner thoughts and plans by creating a personal mandala
41. Take out some acrylic paint and spread it around with a brayer
42. Draw out your glue gun and shoot glue with it – a candle holder is a perfect choice
43. Recycle a magazine to create a gift wrap flower decoration
44. Repurpose your old socks to sew your own sock monkey…
45. …then make pretty clothes for your sock monkey and take photos!
46. Make a kitty happy; sew a cat blanket in patchwork style
47. Be a princess in your own Creative Kingdom! Play, sing, dance, laugh – and create things that makes you happy.
48. Fold a paper crane because origami is tricky but fun
49. Download free labels to decorate your journal and notebooks
50. Take on a big blanket project (or something else that is time consuming) with no deadline date or stress involved, enjoy taking your time with it
51. Try needle felting wool into something tiny and cute, but be careful with your fingers so you don’t hurt yourself
52. Start a collection of quotes that inspires you further
53. Do Daily Art Cards for a distinct period of time – just to challenge yourself
54. Try to spin your own yarn to see if you have the patience for it
55. Sew a fabric cover for your diary using lots of lace
56. Cultivate the habit of keeping a diary because it’s good for you!
57. Don’t be affraid to doodle away some of your precious time, it will be well spent time – plus you have got time for anything you want to do!
58. Appreciate the seasson that we have right now even if you don’t think it’s your favorite
59. Draw a montly calendar overview in your notebook or diary. Make fun plans!
60. Embroider something without a plan – it’s called free form embroidery!
61. Smear, stain and spill with your paints
62. Widen your horizon by looking up a new word
63. Walk around with your camera and try to see old views in new perspectives
64. Turn your floor into creative chaos and enjoy the big work space you then get
65. Plan a quilt project and start cutting fabrics
66. Crochet an amigurumi bird in bright yellow
67. If you like to make one of something, then go crazy and mass produce until absurdness
68. Make cute gifts for wee friends that needs something soft to cuddle
69. Make space for writing inside your art journal too
70. Also play with layers in your journal and cover things up
71. Get yourself an accordian fold type of Moleskine because it’s so much fun to unfold it page by page
72. Unleash your inner artist with collage, doodle, graffiti, drawings…
73. If you’re depressed you can always cut out and glue images, it could change your day
74. Find textures and use them – you’ll never look at that cheese tray the same way again
75. Spread out your creative wings – you need space in your life to create
76. Identify the tools of the trade that you love most and start using them, daily
77. Check out new cool books and give yourself a gift
78. Let yourself fall in love with a fountain pen, or any pen.
79. Try writing your own poetry for a while (I did two months of daily poetry this year)
80. Pick up something you think is pretty and do a still life study
81. Explore all the colors in your crayon box
82. Always always indulge yourself in inspiration – you can never have to much!
83. Create a rug that makes you happy to walk and sit on, and to look at
84. Make a granny square scarf because granny squares are cool
85. Find a partner to do a diptych project with!
86. Knit your own mittens
87. Choose one word for your year because words are powerful things you know
88. If you need a trip don’t do drugs, make a special place like the Mushroom land and go visit there in your imagination…
89. Detect all the colors around you. The bright ones are easy to see, but will you notice colors that whispers softly too?
90. Document what your creative life looks like right now, tomorrow it might be different
91. Make your own paper beads from recycled newspaper
92. Cut out your own stencil and make a mark somewhere
93. Explore the zentangle way of drawing in its meditative way. Go slow!
94. Make a mixing chart with water colors to learn how they work
95. Never throw away pizza boxes because you never know what you could use them for
96. Always remember that white paint can transform any old furniture to prettiness
97. Carv your own stamp and stamp it everywhere
98. Wear the crazy things you make – with pride! You’re as special as your creations.
99. Write someone you like and let them know that what they do are meaningful
100. Make your own list and start with #1 today. Set your goals in life, list craft projects to try or list things that inspire you personally to remind you what you need! This could also be your bucket list of sorts. I’ve just started writing my own, and it’s fun fun fun!
I have been needing a blog break for a while. The reason I hesitated this long is because I love my blog so much, and it has given me lots of joy, and it still does. I’ve been blogging for five years and the above ideas are only a fraction of what I’ve posted about and done during these years. So while I know I need to step away I also know it will feel like loosing my mind. What shall I do with me… But I will figure it out as I go along, as I always do. It’s a messy thrilling life, yes?
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What a fantastic list, Hanna. You’ve really written about a LOT of things. Hope it continues but in the meantime, ENJOY YOUR WELL-EARNED BREAK! :)
Hanna thanks so much for these! You are amazing.
What a great list and it’s so nice to have access to all of these “sparky” ideas in one spot! I’ve bookmarked it so I can come back and go through it as I need inspiration. I’m already mulling over and making plans for a few of these ideas.
Thanks for the inspiration and enjoy the respite of your down time!
What a great post! Just what I need right now – to get me out of my slump. I can’t wait to take some time and really go through this list.
Hanna, I have always been wowed by your creativity! This is an awesome list, and one that I know I will keep coming back to over and over! Please keep in touch.
Great list, Hanna!. I’ve been inspired by many of these in the past; it’s nice to have them all on one page. I wish I could do all of them!
Enjoy your break. Hope to at least see you on twitter..
Aren’t lists fun? I just love them! And yours is great! Lots of things I want to try on there. Proud to say that quite a few I’ve already done!
An awesome list, Hanna. I’ll miss you, I do hope you have many adventures while your away. Take care.
Thanks cuties, for your kind comments! :-)
Kate I
Let me know if you make anything inspired by me, I love to know about such things – it inspires me in return!
Thanks I hope it will take care of that slump. I’m never in one, I just change clothes and do something else. If I can’t write, I watch telly and embroider… ;-)
I won’t die. I will come back, don’t worry. And will upload to flickr too, when I have some art journaling to share! And your blog I will visit, it’s a favorite!
Yes, I will twitter for you!
I could do lists all day long. They are fun fun fun! There are so many things left to do and try… Do you have a bucket list yet?! I wanna see!
Hanna, have a wonderful blog break. We will miss you. I love the list. I have spent forty five minutes reading all the links over again & finding new ones.
What a wonderful list Hanna. Best wishes for your blog break. I for one will miss you. xxxx
This list is amazing Hanna. So much good advice and good ideas. No excuse for lack of inspiration now. Have a nice time away from your blog and I hope you return refreshed with lots of new ideas.
Thank you, Hanna!!! What a wonderful list! I’ll take it and read one by one of your posts, and I intend to do as much as possible. I’ll have a lot of work to do while you take a break. But I hope you come back soon!
found this post on Twitter! what a fabulous list! i stumbled it so that i could come back to it again and again.
I just found your blog today and I love it already!!!
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this! At the moment I am in a creative slump, and reading this has sparked my creativity.
I look forward to reading your new posts (but as I can see-you are taking a break from blogging for a bit-ENJOY!) so I will catch up on your old posts in the meantime.
Thank you once again for the inspiration!
Thank you for such a great list, this will keep us busy for some time.
And thank you for your blog, it’s an amazing source of information and inspiration. As someone who’s been keeping a blog for seven years (though not all on the same blog) I can well imagine you’d like to take a break.
Enjoy your time away from your blog, but do promise to come back!
What a fabulous list! I’m going to start a list of my own but I’m sure I’ll be including some from your list because it has such wonderful ideas.
Great list! It’s very inspiring. I’ll have to follow number 17 and share with my friends ^_^
love this list! Got a link from Craft blog.
Holy Moly, Woman!
You are amazing.
I’m printing and memorizing.
Hi Hanna,
Thank you so much for summing this all up – huge work! It gives all your readers lots of ideas and you also gave us some time to accomplish them! We will definitely miss you – I already am, so get some really good rest, try out the life without blogging, start missing your blog and do come back to us fresh and rested :)
Har det bra,
Hanna, this is an incredible list! Enjoy your break. I will look forward to seeing you again.
Hanna, I wish you the best for YOUR summer. Hopefully you can pursue whatever you take your blogpause for. Your meditation, your writing,…..
I won’t be here in time for your “last” post, because I’m off for new adventures myself for the next week.
Watch out with offering a creative date in Stockholm. I might actually come to Sweden. Last week I spent at the Baltic Sea near L?beck already doing all kind of nice things. That assured me of doing island-hopping between Finland and Sweden.
In case you won’t read your contact page you could sent me your email adress, if you like to.
Now girl, take care and enjoy your time
Well, thank YOU girls for stumbling, twittering, blogging and linking this list – and being inspired by it. That’s why I wrote it! Yay you all!
Tally I hope to see you and anyone else comming into Stockholm this summer for some creative talk and blog gossiping… hehe! Check out my Stockholm Guide and then feel free to contact me as you know my word for this year is outgoing, and it’s so happening this year! My mindset is shifting as we speak.
The list of your “fans” is long and I am one of them.
You are an creative wonderful young woman!!!
Greetings from Germany, Sigrid
Enjoy your break Hanna!
Thanks for the creative ideas, I might print it off for my high school students, if that is OK with you.
Thanks for keping a blog all this time, you were one of the first blogs i found when entering the blogging world, and I have always enjoyed stopping by.
Taks care and be happy! Lou X
Hello! Is great post!
I just found your blog and love it! My husband spent time with Jon Kabat Zinn in a workshop at the Omega Institute. It was a positive life changing event. His books are really fabulous. I hope you have a wonderful break and look forward to your return! Thank you!
p.s. love the list…it is so-o uplifting. : )
What a fabulously full list of creative ideas. Anyone who reads this list is sure to flying off into a creative whirlwind. A blog post like this takes time to build. Well done!
I think you are wise to know when you need a break. Be sure to swing by to let me know when you are back. You will be missed!
{soul hugs}
oh, my lovely hanna, i miss you already!
i hope that you are fiercely enjoying a beautiful beginning to the summer, that you are inspired beyond measure, and that your heart is happy.
i haven’t read this post yet.. i’m saving it up for when i run out of ideas or need a push towards creativity! :)
thank you for your colour and your effervescence, and for your willingness to share it (and your and your journey through the art world (and the ‘real’ world)) with us!
with love,
Great list Hanna – I bookmarked it for a rainy day :)
WOW! What a GREAT list! :) Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh, MAN…at this time, creative inspiration isn’t my problem; finding the time to do all the stuff racing through my brain IS! And this incredible list is NOT HELPING! lol
A great list! Thanks a lot for this inspiration.
I just found your blog and already love it. This morning I won’t care about cleaning my room, I’ll read your blog ;)
tack, hanna, for your comment on my blog!
i’ve been catching up on the several years’ worth (!) of your blog posts and have been really inspired by your past self – enough to catch up to my daily art cards though i’ve fallen so far behind! i do miss reading about your colourful, beautiful, crafty projects but hope that you are having a wonderful summer and are getting all the rest you need!
Miss you..
W.O.W. :)
Thanks for this list…it’s awesome!!! :)
Love your 100 Ideas!! Really reading these blogs makes me just so excited to do so many things.
Sounds like a BUCKET LIST.
Thanks for your push to get into action and right here at Christmas, that is really needed.
Happy Holidays
Thank you!!!
I could write you a page letter explaining how much I love your blog. I just found it and it gave me that odd feeling you get when you read a like-minded blog. The odd feeling that a complete stranger seems so alike to me!
I am A COMPLETE AMATEUR/NEWBIE/LIKE BRAND NEW BloggER/Creative Writer (these have recently come about from me forever thinking about it and my creative chattering mind, ideas and brain farts spilling out of my brain).
An intermediate craftster
and a professional/natural born performer (singer/dancer/actor) and I’d like to think of myself as an entrepreneur… in the making.
I am so excited and inspired by the postcard swap, Starting the 100 list above (like I don’t have enough unfinished projects to finish), exploring your posts and receiving your rss feed and newsletters.
I am also so new to the blogging world… I am still learning the ropes. Is there any chance we could be email-pals (like the old school pen pals)? I understand your letters may be few and far between, as I am sure you are a very busy girl.
Thank you again in so many ways.
PS I am so new and in desperate need of your inspiration and advice that I couldn’t find another way to contact you… First newbie question: Is commenting on one of your fabulous posts the only way to contact you on your fab blog?
PSS I also have another link/website relevant to me (It’s a headshot and bio on my employer/training home’s website) : http://www.theministryofdance.com.au/liz-henderson
1 000 000 Thank you’s
I’m in a situation of knowing nothing to do in my college life and I encounter your blog which inspires me to explore more creative blogs like yours. How awesome it will be to live a creative life with everyday starting with new and amazing habits and activities. I just feel really lucky for me or everyone who discover your blog and are inspired to lead a unique life. Thank you