Colors that whisper softly

    Of course, there will always be those who look only at technique, who ask ‘how’, while others of a more curious nature will ask ‘why’. Personally, I have always preferred inspiration to information.
    /Man Ray

Pencil leftover

Most of the time I’m drawn to things with several strong colors. Bright shiny colors that sparkle. What I create seldom concentrate on only one color, but is a mix from the color wheel. I like to combine many different colors together and in my photography I tend to shoot things that make me think of rainbows! But during August I’ve been drawn to more subtle colors of beige, brown and light yellow.

Seed flower

These colors with their vintage feel, mixed in with pastels and gray, seem so tender and fragile to me. They are like whispers that one might be seduced or comforted by. Soft whispers that talk about stillness in nature and piece of mind.


I’m finding this mindset within myself these days and maybe this is why I’m attracted to the subtle colors right now. My Own photos reflect this mindset too. I’m sneaking close close to these colors, with my camera and with my mind. Taking still life photos can be like listening to the silence. Focusing on what might be. Not expecting anything but giving as much as you can. I don’t know, maybe I’m just writing nonsense? But sometimes that is good too. If you let your mind wander free while writing you might find gems of gold within your text when you re-read it later. At least that is what Nathalie Goldberg told me last week as I finally finished reading her book Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within. Talk about subtle in a confusing way. Her book has a bit of a diary feel to it, as she talks about her own life and writing quite a lot. I didn’t like it when I got it three years ago, but I’ve been determined to finish it and nearing the end I found it inspiring.

Yummy dinner

It’s a book about writing with chapter titles like “The Ordinary and Extraordinary”, “Use Loneliness” and “The Power of Detail”. I love titles and names that have underlaying meaning. I love words that are not information but word play. Smilla agrees and says “Purrfect!” to that. I always try to create poetic and nice-sounding titles for my post even though it’s not always very SEO of me. One of the quotes in her book is about self-asteem and how we often put ourself down. She does not suggest that we all should become “braggarts” but says:

    I mean we should recognize that we are good inside and emanate our goodness and create something good outside us. That connection between our inner richness, our self-concept, and our work will give us a quiet peace and confidence that are hard for most artists to find. […]

    We are good and therefore we are capable of shining forth through our resistance to write well and claim it as our own.

Mom's new finds of lace

crowabout week5 My left shoulder feel like a bruise (I don’t know why) and I think I have a fever. I’m drinking water and thinking of all the things I wish I could do today but don’t think I will do. At least I wanted to do a post to my blog, because these photos have been whispering to me about that. Subtle colors - August 2008 favorites My favorite flickr photos during August reflect my interest in subtle as I have been collecting photos with this calm palette in mind, and so does this week (5) Crowabout collage in my Art Journal which is very much not-like-me-at-all! White? Beige? Hmm… But it felt fitting and I’m happy with the page.

Here are some more photos that might help you notice the invisible:

Cut it open

water meter

Daisy & Fly

Coal pencil

    As writers we are always seeking support. Fist we should notice that we are already supported every moment. There is the earth below our feet and there is the air, filling our lungs and emptying them. We should being from this when we need support. There is the sunlight coming through the window and the silence of the morning. Begin from these.
    /Nathalie Goldberg, Writing down the bones, page 63.

Thinking of Goldberg’s book and Lynn’s book Writing and being I also want to post this link to a article by Diana Raab: Use journaling to spark your writing (it’s a pdf)! So maybe we should all go watch some nature and bring our journals today?!

Pile of Shoes

Subtle colors - August 2008 favorites
Flickr favorites from August 2008. View it large here!

Smillis sleeping in my bed, trying to sleep while I try to get my camera to accept the little light there is and still take this image of her nose that I want to capture and keep. Her whole body is a whisper as she is sleeping. Her soft fur is like poetry, strokes of hair in all directions that come together in harmony at the end of the day. This is a cat in deep sleep after a long and satisfying day.

Cat whiskers that whispers.

Word play and paw waving.

Colors that speak and subtle words that color you in.

Have a lovely weekend!

15 Responses

  1. OK, I give in. I’m too much of a collage and art journalling nut not to take the bait.

    What, who or where is ‘Crowabout’?

  2. Hanna, Your pictures have improved so much in the past couple of years. They are awesome and you should look into selling prints on your website! Or maybe using them in your art pages. You have inspired me so much with your different crafts and attempting anything.

    Thank you!


    Love the Crow about! What a Hoot! LOL!
    I like the man’s glasses! The whole page
    is awesome!

    I really like how you put your blog together.

    If you feeling good enough there is a link
    on my blog to a contest to win a autographed
    book and limited edition print. I don’t know
    how long the contest is open though. I don’t
    know when she is going to pick a winner.

    GOD Bless you and Yours!!!

    BE WELL As Violette would say!

  4. That little pink nose is just purrfect!

    Very inspiring post. Very calm. I love your close-up shots. What is that dried flower at the beginning? It’s intriguing.

    Get some rest. And have a great weekend.


  5. Those are are beautiful photographs, with post to match! I think I might need to check out the Nathalie Goldberg book, sounds very interesting. Soon I will be getting a better, fancier camera, so that I can take some still shots….can’t wait to see what the silence whispers to me!

  6. Hanna, this post gave me such a perfect moment of peace, both through the writing and the pictures. I feel rested and inspired, thank you.

  7. I found out the contest ends Friday at Midnight EST. Hopefully you’ll be able to get in on the contest!

    GOD Bless and Feel Better Hanna!!!

  8. Do you know something?
    Your blog (meaning, I suppose: you) always inspires me to look at things anew. This is so great!

    I hope you are not getting sick, and that you feel better right now!

  9. Anther lovely entry, Hanna, and incredible photos. I too am mostly drawn to bright colors, but then again, sometimes not. It has everything to do with my inner thoughts.

    I am a Natalie Goldberg fan, of her writing books, at least.

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