Bring out the Glitter and Glue

A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That’s why they don’t get what they want.Madonna [from her book “Sex”]

Cut out Icon Shape

It’s December and so much I want to write about before the year ends. Let’s jump in again today, with a bit of crafting!

It’s been a while since I did any decoupage crafts. I even forgot how incredibly sticky your fingers become from using any decoupage glue (I used matte medium this time). It’s because I use my fingers to smooth out the air bubbles. But when I got pre-cut wood, shaped like icons, I knew I had to bring out the glue! And the glitter of course! There is something about the month of December that makes me want to glitter everything up!

Odd ball craft Maria Icon with Glitter (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

I covered the wood piece I choose with a very soft, vintage text page, then glued the image down on top of that. Lastly, I added silver glitter. Maybe I should bring out the dymo and add a word there too?! Yes, I think I will do that. What would you write?

I love my tiny icon! What do you think?

15 Responses

  1. so pretty. Is she blessing something/someone? I would add something about that, if looking for a word. Your glitter looks like tiny round hole punches… {:-D

    • Thanks! I knew what I wanted to write yesterday, but now I have forgotten again… I should’ve made a note, oh how typical.

  2. Love it! I was just debating on whether or not to bring out the glitter to embellish some tags that I’m making. After seeing your sparkly shrine…I’m leaning toward it!

  3. Åh jag kommer ihåg vad trevligt vi hade! Glitter är underbart! Den jag gjorde blir nu del av ett julkort som hamnar nånstans norr om Stockholm! Ser fram emot att komma till dig och pyssla mer!!!! Kram

  4. so cool, I need to keep more glitter in my crafting corner. probably I’d write something in latin like “todos tuus”

  5. Ooh, I love this! Where did you get that beautiful image! I agree that a word of blessing at the bottom would be perfect, but I’m not sure Dymo would be the right “look.”

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