The Purple Table Runner If I couldn’t create there would be nothing for me to live for. It’s selfish, I know, but geniuses are selfish…. Categories Fabric & Sewing
Color Inspiration | Glitter tape In winter I crave even more colors than usual. Nature turns gray and the sky has been the same, so I’m… Categories Inspiration/Paper Crafting
Paint Your Own Dala Horse Workshop A few weeks back I held a workshop at the Stockholm university. It was super fun and I took lots of… Categories Creative People/Creativity & Life
Bring out the Glitter and Glue A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That’s why they don’t get what they want.Madonna [from her… Categories Paper Crafting
Tiny Chest of Drawers Art is magic… But how is it magic? In its metaphysical development? Or does some final transformation culminate in a magic… Categories Creativity & Life/Home Comforts/Thrift & Recycle
Make Smiling Snowmen Gift Tags Oh my, when I got started on making tags I couldn’t stop. After The Glitterlicious Tags (with tutorial) I made a… Categories Paper Crafting/Tutorials
Gift Tag Tutorial Glitterlicious Style I will not buy gift tags because I can make them myself. I don’t make them because I’m always so late… Categories Paper Crafting/Tutorials
Christmas tree: A bit of plaster and some glitter Oh how I love silver glitter. Isn’t it great? Glitter is a perfect material for any decoration purpose, especially in December… Categories Creativity & Life/Mixed Media Experiments
Freeform Embroidery that Glitters After I wrote the Wow factor post about what inspires me in others art I thought I’d do a free form… Categories Crafts
Angels on Christmas cards I finally had the time this week to make a couple of serene Christmas Cards, and sent them of in the… Categories Paper Crafting