A Fun Craft-a-Doodle Challenge for kids
During studio time (a now sought after thing) that includes crafts, creative exploration and lunch, we doodled for quite a while. We were really inspired by the book Craft-a-doodle that I reviewed yesterday. We (two grown ups and two kids aged 5 and 12) had a great time.
For the first exercise I read them the instructions from Carla Sonheim’s exercise, Be Square (she used a square ink pad as a stamp), without showing the many examples on the next page. A fun creative challenge for sure!
We each filled a sheet of paper with stamped impressions of our index finger. Then we grabbed a pencil and tried to come up with new ideas for each stamped print! Not as easy as it sounds!
Moa, who is 12, did these cool drawings.
Hamster, girl and owl – from the same form! I love how she combined two prints into a snake!
It was cool to see how many we could come up with. And interesting to see that some come out really strange and some surprisingly cute… My favorites are the pink hedgehogs!
Get the Craft-a-Doodle book
You can get the book here, or check out Carla Sonheim her new book The Art of Silliness, it looks like the perfect draw-together-book too!
Let me know if you tried this exercise, or if you draw a doodle inspired by my contribution to the book, I’d love to see!
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Ahh, this is my favorite! Lovin’ all the kitties!
These are wonderful to do together as a family! Really brings out the creativity in everyone. And don’t you just LOVE Carla Sonheim? She’s truly spectacularly creative!
Jättefint, verkligen en kul idé, jag måste nog låna den. Och allt i rosa, still going strong Hanna.
hi hanna, i’m kind of new to following your blog…but i have looked at a LOT and i loveLOVElove everything i see!!! YOU are such an inspiration, and i really like how you share extra posts at the end of every recent post. i happen to have a copy of the Craft-a-doodle book from my library, i hadn’t even looked at it yet, but after seeing your post about it, and with a snow storm bearing down on us here in Colorado-i think tomorrow will be a perfect day to explore and doodle with it :) i just wanted to say hello and how much i appreciate your inspiration/blog, etc. (i even ordered some of those darling little sticker books from Dover after seeing them in one of your posts. i also started a “less clutter” collage journal that you shared about. i could go on and on….i am now a huge fan of ihanna!
You should check out Ed Emberley! So many great thumb and finger print drawings in his books.. My brother and I used to practice the drawings over and over when we were little… I bought later editions for my daughter and she loves them too. I think my mom bought his book for us back in the 70’s… So great!
Väldigt rolig “prova på” både för barn och vuxen :-)