Doodles and contemplating in my Diary
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
Rumi [found via jen]
More page details from my Moleskine diary. Doodles and what not.
A drawing I made… She looks so nice, I don’t know where she came from!
One of many word birds I’ve doodled this summer.
Don’t you find that most cats do smile when you’re not looking?
Flower doodle field. From the inside of the back cover.
Feeling very single today and contemplating the Rumi-quote above and this one;
Our relationships perfectly reflect our own inner process; they are wonderfully effective mirrors to help us see the next step of our own growth. /Shakti Gawain [via flaming renaissance]
PS: feel free to share pages from your own diary, journal, sketchbook or other notebook. and check out these pages from Nyx. I ♥ them!
Aww, I love this! That bird looks like she has something on her mind but the kitty is my fav.
why not try to be an artist like R. Wachtmeister
colouring cats ..
you would be a good illustrator!
I love doodling too. And those quotes – they’re wonderful. Thanks.
?h, jag k?pte ju en Moleskin i somras – efter att ha l?st om en du gjort (fast f?r att skicka iv?g, tror jag), och nu blir jag s?d?r sjuuukt sugen p? att b?rja greja med det jag t?nkte g?ra d?… M?ste jobba undan n?gra gamla “m?ste-surdegar”, och sen j?klar!
(Och ju mer jag l?ser h?r, desto mer blir jag ?vertygad om att vi m?ste ta den d?r fikan snart…!)
I enjoy doodling too and I particularly love what you did with your name. :)
I love doodles. When I doodle ideas can just pour out of me, I need to do it more.
My favorite her is your word bird. Very cute.
Doodling! Yes! We need to do more of that!
Love the doodles. So fun.
I really enjoy doodling and love looking at other peoples’ doodles too. I often go back through my pages of doodles and decide that some are worth making proper drawings of. Great fun. Love the cat Hanna.
i love your style of drawing. its cute :)
i love ur blog