5 DIY Postcard Videos for Inspiration
I have an idea of what I want to create for my DIY Postcards this month, but I am not sure I will have time to make them and film the process (as well as photograph, edit, upload and blog about them) so I might not even try that endeavor this time. However, I have been binge watching YouTube lately, mostly because it’s been raining this entire week here and I can’t deal with how the sky is making me feel.
So I dive into other people’s creativity, beautiful writing and inspiring tutorials on YouTube.

Today I will share a few videos that could inspire you to create DIY Postcards for the swap if you joined but haven’t started creating yours just yet, or maybe they will even inspire you to jump in and sign up today?
There’s still plenty of time to be creative and make ten or more postcards. In any case, if you have some time this weekend, watch a few of these videos and hopefully fuel up on do it yourself inspiration.
Videos: Create Gorgeous DIY Postcards
First out is Erin’s “How to create gorgeous note cards from paper scraps”, in which she glues down color-coordinated painted papers to create a beautiful grid background. I have done similar things in the past, but again I really enjoyed how simple and versatile this idea is.
I should really make a couple of these for personal use as well, to send out as birthday cards to friends and family, or simply to let them know I’m alive… I haven’t done that for ages, and I’m sure people are wondering what rock I am under.
Also, should I sort my scraps by color? It looks so lovely, if only I were the orderly type.
I’ve arranged these videos shortest to longest in watching length, so if you just want a quick fix you could watch the two first videos (Erin’s video about scraps above or) Brenda Wood’s (2 Sew Textiles) “How to make a Fabric Postcard” below, which of course is an alternative to making paper postcards.
I have gotten some beautiful fabric postcards in this swap a few times now, but I am always trying to encourage more people to try out playing with fabrics on postcards! You can hand stitch them of course, but if you have a sewing machine the possibilities are endless – as I think I proved in a previous blog post about Fabric Postcards.
“One of these days” (as they say) I will make my own video tutorial on how I’d make a fabric postcard, but until then I encourage you to watch how Brenda does it. Her video is a thorough talk (not a demonstration) about sizes, ideas for sending a fabric postcard without it getting dirty and more.
She starts by talking about bag stabilizers and I realize I have a small bit of that material (that I got from my quilting mom of course) that I could put to good use. Maybe this spring? (note to self)
Mixed Media Postcards are the best
Or maybe I will create some lovely pink collages this spring, who knows? Similar to the ones that Heart Musings with Crystal did in her video “Valentines Day Postcards” (18 min)? You all know I’m a sucker for hearts, right?
Crystal shows us a few inspiring printables and then creates four postcards for Valentine, but to me pink and hearts goes any time of the year so I hope you’ll find the video as inspiring as I did. It’s cute!
It’s fun to watch people create in fast-forward mood – it looks sooo very effortless and quick, right?
But we all know the before of creating… the collecting the papers, printing, planning, gluing, painting, organizing, deciding, and then trying out ideas. It all takes time. But yeah, so worth it.
In the fourth video you find Kari Gibson of Kari’s Mixed Media Art demonstrating how she creates her “DIY Postcards/Journal Cards Using Paint and Stencils”. She is a little bit more painterly and messy than the others, but equally as fun to watch. She paints on a bigger sheet and cuts it up into postcard size later on, something I’ve also done many times in the past and that I show a version of in the DIY Postcard Idea book that you can get as a digital download.
This is not the first time I’ve found handmade postcards called “DIY Postcards”, which is amusing to me since it’s been over ten years since I came up with the term and started the swap. I think it’s catchy.
This is the kind of video that really gets my creative juices flowing, and it makes me want to run to my own art table to bring out the acrylics, stencils and brayer to play along. This video also made me think of the stencils a friend gifted me last year, that I have yet to try out… Sometimes I do get going after watching a video like this, but today I’m way too tired to even start on anything at all (except watching these videos and writing this blog post about the, like so). Does this happen to anyone else? You feel the inspiration flowing but your energy level is so down low so you can’t act on it?
Alas, tomorrow is another day!
Last but not least, and maybe my favorite, is this very artsy video by a channel called Kitchen Counter Abstract, which I have not watched before but it popped up as a recommended video recently: ”Make a Greeting Card That’s Also a Beautiful Piece of Art” with Blake Liliane Hellman. I am not able to embed the video here (because she had opted out of that possibility) – but it’s just a click away and of course I encourage you to click all the videos you enjoy, so that you can give them a thumbs up on YouTube as well as a subscribe if you feel you want to know what these gals create next.
In any case, I think the Kitchen Counter channel is new but will be great to follow along with. Liliane’s video of creating a messy greeting card is simply yummy, so I hope you’ll have a looksie.
I often find that I prefer a video where the artist do a voice over and talk as they create, explain what they’re doing and what tools they’re using, just because that type of video makes it easier for me to concentrate, but maybe not all videos have to be like that to “work”? I guess? What kind of videos do you prefer?
If you haven’t joined the DIY Postcard Swap yet, what are you waiting for?
Sign up ASAP and enjoy your lovely weekend creating ten postcards.
If you have signed up already, please share what stages your postcards are at on instagram today using the hashtag #ihannaspostcardswap – or share the swap button to let your friends know about the swap. I appreciate you.
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You might also enjoy reading: How to make Fabric Postcards by iHanna
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Hi ihanna, I signed up again. I think I have been doing this since 2014??
I missed a couple times when I moved. LOVE IT!!!
Nancy, thank you so much for leaving me a comment and joining the swap this fall. I am so grateful for returning swappers, you guys are the best!
Happy to be taking part again look forward to it each autumn and spring
Happy to have you Susanna!
This is my first time. I am looking forward to doing this! I do postcrossing which I know isnt mallard but its sending out postcards and getting postcards.