Our Christmas was very red

After the bleach beach photos here comes some more christmassy red photos from my Christmas Eve, 24th of December 2006. Sparkly kid eyes and lots of candles as it should be, to much food and to long until it was time to open the presents… My parents in Thailand and ♥-P by my side.

Christmas candles

Vid julgranen

As the only child on P’s side of the family this little guy had the starring role of the day. With parents, and both sides of grandparents and a great grandmom – plus us, me the almost-aunt (Miss Ant!) and Uncle Bob, he was very looked after all day…

Tomte m?ter tomte

The Coffee bag

The Coffee bag that my mom has sewed finally got to its new owner. This photo is for you mom, everyone thought it looked great! It is made from recycled coffee containers that mom has saved and made a bag out of. So cool!


And finally this piece could come out of the closet! A art piece I made with indian pearls at the Youth Center in town in December. I gave it to P, because I knew he would really like the art form – and the motive too, because I know he loves Smilla the Cat. I’m pleased with the result, and the rest of the family was very impressed – even after I said it was made from a computor genereated pattern… hehe. Very boring to make, but worth the hours!

The doll bed

And here is a vintage doll bed that the little guy got. It is a herritage from his grandfather, and I sewed a blue pillow and the little doll blanket for it! Isn’t it cute?

Merry merry christmas

A long and happy day, but at the end of the day, I think everyone was happy it was over. Until next time.

Far och son

How was your Christmas?

4 Responses

  1. Great photos!!! Christmas gets so fun again when there are little ones about to show their excitement and wonder of the day! I love all the photos and your little bed set is very cute =)

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