I wrote a blog book and 9 months later…
Sitting by the computer I upload my photos, write in my blog and chat with my friends via e-mail and other communities online. A lot of time is spent writing, but yet I tell people I hardly ever write… Without really noticing what I did I wrote a lot on my blog last year.

Since I write online I never realized just how much text I had accumulated, and when at the end of 2006 I did a backup to save my entries I noticed how long the word document became and how whole it felt. Like… a starting point for a… a project!? An entity really, but not a finished product yet…
And the more I thought about it the more it felt like a manuscript for a book, a diary form book that I would design, edit, print and distribute to friends and family and other creative souls out there! A book to hold in my hand, put in my shelf, keep as a memory of days that passed, days filled with sewing, knitting, making art, spending time with friends…
Can you imagine what a fun project that would be? So I did it.
I made a book – because it was already written!
It looks like this on the screen, and what it looks like in real life I don’t know because I haven’t received my copy yet!!! I just couldn’t shut up about it any longer! I wanted to brag, shout and tell the world! It’s cool, right?
I call it A Creative Year and it has 240 pages and is filled with sentences that I wrote and colour photos that I took with my ♥-Nikon!

Those of you who have read this blog for a while might remember me talking about making a book (!) in the beginning of this year. Making a manuscript for a real book and having it printed is a dream I’ve had since I was a kid. I like the opportunities that print-on-demand is offering me. The most important thing to me is that I get it, the product, the item that I’ve crafted. I long to hold it like a mother longs for her child!
I sure didn’t know how time consuming this project would be when I started. I actually just finished it two weeks ago, and I’m still waiting for “my copy” to see if it’s everything I hope for, but the fact is it took me nine (9!) months to finish the manuscript editing!
It feels kind of fitting that it took nine months before I finished the book and finally uploaded it to lulu.com! I’ve had it “in my system” for so long and now I’m delivering it to the world.
My first born book!

Here is a bit of background for now:
I got the idea after reading Julia Lupton’s post One year on Lulu [was at www.design-your-life.org/blog.php?id=840 but it is no longer online] at one of my favourite sites Design-your-life. I was copying my posts from my blog into a Word document for archiving when it hit me that one year of text is a product that has a start, middle and an end just like a book. I decided to check Lulu out because I know a bit about it from one of the podcasts I listened to last year, I should be writing with Mur Lafferty who now works at Lulu and is involved with their podcast Lulu Radio [no longer online]which I also enjoy! So I knew about Lulu and print-on-demand and the spark to start this project was at once evident. I started editing!
I sat for hours and hours the first week but didn’t feel I got anywhere. I had a lot of text, with pictures and links in a big messy pile of information that had to be sorted through to make a book. The fact that the book A Creative Year was already written didn’t make this a fast project, not at all. After a while I realized if I wasn’t going to burn out in the editing process I had to slow down and do a little each week. So I’ve kept on, bit by bit.
I removed the links, spell checked and changed a lot of sentences to better English. I added information and rewrote a couple of posts to make them better – so even if you read my blog last year you can get a lot out of this book I hope. Plus, you get to keep my texts, bring it outside in the sun or to the beach, ear mark my blog pages and let it decorate your bookshelf! You can bring it with you outside, to a coffee house or when you snuggle up in bed! That’s what I’ll do!
Isn’t it awesome my friends?
I wish I could give a couple of books away, but I can hardly afford my own copy right now. So, if you like my blog and have found inspiration here – please support me by buying my book! Or link to it, tell your friends, add it to your wish list for Christmas or buy it for someone who is not online or don’t read blogs…
Let me know if you have any questions, I have to go watch Heroes on TV now and knit a bit before bed time!
Book name: A Creative Year with iHanna: buy it here!!!
Hugs for everyone!
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Wow- this looks great, i’ve been interested in Lulu for some projects a friend and I are working on. It’s good to hear your experiences, and as soon as I am able to afford the book i’m going to order a copy for myself.
I am so happy for you – your dream has been fulfilled! Great job! *^v^*
Hurrah for big, horizon-expanding projects! I can’t wait to order my copy, and curl up somewhere far away from the computer to enjoy it. :-)
You’ll be so excited to have your book. I know that soulmama did something similar, and had her blog from the first year made into a book.
Coolt att du f?rverkligat din dr?mt om att skriva den h?r boken.
I applaud your courage and wish you all the luck on your book – what a wonderful idea. As soon as I can I am going to purchase the book.
Congratulations! Surely it is different to have a REAL book in your hand!
Congratulations! Now a published author!!! Looks like I’ll be putting this on my Christmas Wish List, Hanna! Love it!
Oh, and be sure and put the link to purchase the book on your sidebar so everyone can find it easily!
This is awesome! What an accomplishment…congrats!
Just watched your Cat on a Leash video, Adorable! I especially like when she stops to smell the Daisy!
And Congrats on your Book!
Sandra Evertson
Wow! S? imponerad och t?nker _absolut_ skaffa mig ett ex av din bok! F?rmodligen n?gon i present ocks?. Stort grattis och jag ser verkligen fram emot boken!
That is so $&^*(&^%$ cool!! Yay! I am still cussing up a storm how cool it is! heee heee
much love and hugs!
Wow! Grattis! Egen bok… Det m?ste k?nnas h?rligt och underbart. :)
How exciting for you! I’ll be looking out for your post on its arrival. :)
Vilken underbar id?! Jag ska nog minsann f?rs?ka g?ra lite reklam f?r din bok fram?ver :-)
Ohmygosh, Hanna! This is SO wonderful. I loooove the cover! I can just imagine how it’s chock full of creativity and color throughout. Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl…ha ha…(just had to say that…lol…). Congratulations! It must be wonderful to see your creative journey together in one beautiful book! yippee! xo Lia
I was looking at a comment from my blog one year ago tomorrow (today’s commenter stopped blogging around a year ago), and there you were. So I came by for a look. It is funny because just a few weeks ago I started playing with art journaling and artists books. And then I get to see what you have accomplished in a year of blogging. Congratulations. I may try the self-publishing thing someday, just to have a hard-cover souvenir of my blogging but I’m not quite ready to undertake it yet.
All the best.
I hope you love your new Lulu book.
That’s so exciting Hanna! Congratulations!!
Congratulations! That’s wonderful. You should be very proud.
Bravo! WOnderful! Creative you! Generous and beautiful!