10 Ideas for using scraps of Wallpaper

Wallpapers could go on the wall, but nah… that’s not what I’m talking about here! There are many interesting things to create with ye’ ol’ wallpapers. For example, instead of using ugly envelopes I sometimes wrap things that I’m sending in the mail in wallpaper, like this:

Wallpaper Scrap Ideas for your Creative project... (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Sending stuff is much more fun when you have flowery wallpapers and lacy deco tape! These went out last week.

Wallpapers are thick and durable, and often decorative. I have a neat little collection of wallpapers going, one of my favorites is this yellow tulip wallpaper, but in my collection I have nothing vintage or luxurious – yet. I would be thrilled to stumble upon pink roses or medallion patterns in flea market barn sometime. That’s my wallpaper dream. It’s pretty papers, right? In a roll you get plenty and it’s often über cheap, or free. What I like to do with mine are, for example:

Wallpaper Ideas

  1. Fold pretty and very sturdy envelopes (see photo above)
  2. Cover up boring spiral notebooks to make them more personalized (see photo below)
  3. Use as drop cloth for painting, to protect your work surface when you’re working messy
  4. Using wallpaper as pages when I make new Art Journals (example here)
  5. Also, save all scraps, to use as collage papers inside the journal
  6. Make mini notebooks with wallpaper scraps
  7. Wrap tin cans for storing pens or paint brushes
  8. Make new art journals
  9. Glue down a pretty wallpaper as end papers when you make or alter a book
  10. Cut out your own gift tags from wallpaper, or make circles and sew a paper garland

What do you do with your stash of wallpapers if you have one?

And what about this wallpaper, ugly or cool?
Wallpaper cover (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
First I thought it was really ugly and boring, horrible color and boring plain pattern – but it’s growing on me…

I used it as a cover for this blue notebook and now I like it even more;
Wallpaper cover (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
This is a notebook I’m using for interview questions and article notes. All it needs now is a red label!

Today I’m listening to the podcast Kelly’s korner while editing photos in Photoshop. Kelly recorded a talk with SuziBlu and they talk about art combined with family, love and a lifelong passion for painting and creating art.

I’m also reading (again) back in Malin’s over flowingly creative blog noodles and tea. You simply must check it out if you want some inspiration for painting or art journaling! I love Malin’s fun invention to combine the styles of Teesha Moore and SuziBlu into what she calls Petit Zetti!

Oh, my brother just sent me this stop motion art movie that is quite impressive. I would love to make some stop motion some day. Wouldn’t it be cool for an art journal spread for example? to just see it move around and grow? Anyone tried this?

10 Responses

  1. That yellow wallpaper would not have been my first choice either, but i find that i need to balance my love of color with something more subtle or it’s “OVERWHELM city” for me. So, yes, this cover is quite cool, growing on me too!

  2. Maybe it’s a European thing? I never find cool patterned wallpaper here in the States and I yard sale and thrift shop a LOT! Therefore, I am incredibly jealous of your tulip wall paper, hehe. Just joking. Hanna, if anyone were to deserve to find such pretty things, it’s you, because of all the creative things you find to do with them!

    What I do a lot of are napkins with pretty designs on them. I know you have done gorgeous things with these before too. I need to go through your archives and be inspired! — The fancy napkins are a bit expensive here (at least 2 or 3 U.S. dollars a pack)…do you think they are very pricey (for napkins!) when you get them in Sweden?

  3. Thanks girls!

    U2kitteh, I think US bloggers do great paper finds at some places, but maybe it’s different in different cities? And I don’t know that Sweden is a great place for paper thrifting, I do a lot of thrift shops too and it’s a rare occasion to find anything ephemeral or paperish (except books)! Beautiful napkins can be expensive here too, I would say 4-5 US maybe? Decoupage can be fun, it was a while since I did that.

  4. Thank you, sweet Hanna, for the pimping – this explains my new readers today and yesterday! I?m working on three more Petite Zettis, I hope to get them done this weekend. Two will become Christmas presents, I hope they?ll like…
    I did find some wallpaper with medallions, pink background, white medallions, for 10 kr for each roll when a paint store closed a few years ago. You can have one if you want to!

  5. Hello! I happened to run across your site searching for wallpaper and I love all your artistic creations! Your an inspiration . Love journalling and doing altered books. Great site, I’ll be subscribing so I don’t miss anything :0)

  6. A friend of mine had so much wallpaper left over from her home remodel that she started wrapping gifts with it. I loved getting a flowery elegant gift. Thanks for all the tips!

  7. When I moved to London from Minnesota I had to get rid of tons of accumulated stuff. I had so many wallpaper sample books that I think I made two trips to the thrift store with them! This was before my journey into mixed media and book art…. ooooh I wish now that I would’ve known people to randomly send them to! Oh well, I can only hope they went into the hands of happy people and that the paper is being up-cycled into wonderful creations! Your brown paper has a great texture — I don’t think it’s ugly at all. It looks like a wicker basket or a woven matt. It would be cool if it was used to cover little boxes for displaying art on a shelf or at an art sale!!

  8. I couldn’t wait to read antoher post, but i’m late for breakfast. these are great ideas and that cover is great. i’ve never worked with wallpaper.
    your kitty page from the later post is SO CUTE!!

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