Desktop Background Inspiration – free download
It’s January : Be Creative 2010!
It’s January and I thought it would be appropriate to make a new desktop background for the computer. I used some of my favorite pink stared photos from Flickr and made a inspirational mosaic! If you like you are welcome to use it too! Download here!

I intensionally left a white space on the left side of the screen because that’s where I have most of my folders and shortcuts to favorite programs like Spotify, MSN and TweetDeck! The little white square in the right corner is for the trash can icon – if it’s not there I won’t find it! :-)
Flickr is the site I use to upload all my photos. It’s both my backup and my photo album online, and all the photos you see here on my blog are also stored there. It’s like a giant river of inspiration!
I’ve talked about it before, but is one of my favorite ways to view images on flickr. You will get a tone of inspiration when going through the newest added photos of iHanna’s Contacts (or anyone else’s) or you can click directly and view my personal pink star Favorite Photos right now – most of them are about creativity, so there is much inspiration there! When you look through them use your keyboard. J is next image and K is the previous one, just as when you quickly browse through your favorites in Google Reader!
Each month I’ve made a mosaic of some sort to remember what inspired me that month. You can view some of them below. Maybe I will do a new desktop background in February if you remember to remind me! Have fun and be inspired!






Thanks to my Flickr community for sharing your beautiful and amazing art, photos and creations with us! XOXOX
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I haven’t used Flickr myself, but have viewed many photos on there. I love how it creates these mosaics! Yours are so colorful and beautiful. I love color and rainbows and the mosaic style is a nice marriage of those two loves. Thanks for sharing.
P.S. Thanks for leaving me a little comment, too : ) If you are at all inspired to participate in my “Doughnut Dreams” project, please do! The DD blog is listed under my profile.
yes rainbow colors are a favorite of mine too, as you can tell by these mosaics and some patterns I’ve knitted in the past! :-) I don’t see many donuts here in Sweden, but love your banner quote No matter what your dream in life, no matter what your goal, keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole. – that’s a great quote! :-)
Thanks for dropping by my blog. It was a nice surprise to find out that I had tried the experiment Michelle suggested two years ago. Funny how that happens! I love all the inspiration you have going on here. I downloaded some of the vintage pages. They’re lovely and since I’ve never worked with vintage, something I’m looking forward to trying out. Many thanks!
I am absolutely downloading this desktop wallpaper. Great idea! In the last few months, I stopped putting my own photos up and have begun to instead download the free wallpapers of artists that I like, just as I’m doing here, and it makes my workspace seem so much more fresh and creative.
Thank you, Hanna.
How do I create a mosaic of my favourites on Flickr?
Don’t worry! I found and managed to do it from there to create my favourites:
Thank you for inspiring me!!
I really love these, especially the one from May.
January looks great. You seem to maintain your focus and inspiration. Thanks for the great desktop artwork. I will passing your link around as well.
Thank you! This is awesome!