Index Cards: Let the world see your creativity

Summer has filled her veins with light and her heart is washed with noon. C. Day Lewis

In my last index card post I showed index cards from June 17 to 23, week 25 of the year. These are from week 26, the last week of June. I hope you like them. Let me know if you find a favorite.

Index-Card-a-Day Challenge 2019

This first one (above on a pink index card) is yet another intro card, because I felt like using the DaisyYellow quote about the ICAD challenge somewhere appropriate. This felt appropriate to me. I like it a lot more than my first intro card, that say “ICAD” witch bold, cut out, pasted letters.

Index card art 2019-06-24 ICAD by iHanna
ICAD June 24 Mouflon de corse, that reminds me a little of my star sign.

I do stamp the date on both the front and the back of my index cards, mostly because otherwise I know I’ll get confused of where I am in the process, and forget how many I’ve done so far. And it’s great to see those dates on both sides when I’m flipping through my pile, as it let’s me sort them in the “right order”, which to me is chronologically of course.

I’m a sucker for chronology!

Index card art rainbow ICAD by iHanna #ICAD2019
ICAD June 25: Rainbow for Love.

Index card art GOOD News 2019-06-26 ICAD by iHanna
ICAD June 26: Good News clippings, that I cut out a while back.

The good news / good things to remember stated in the clipping above are that 1) Sweden is a great place to become old(er) in, 2) what people dying regret the most is that they didn’t live their life as they wanted, but instead listened too much to what others thought, 3) bad news gets bigger media coverage than good news, but it does not reflect reality (!) and 4) this is a good one if you’re feeling misunderstood as a creative person; Walt Disney got fired from his first job because he lacked imagination and J.K.Rowling got refused 12 times for her manuscript about Harry Potter…

Index card art Staying at HOME 2019-06-27 ICAD by iHanna
ICAD June 27: Staying at home.

A day of resting. But also, a kawaii index card, right?

Index card art To be seen 2019-06-28 ICAD by iHanna
ICAD June 28: To be seen.

Let the world see your creativity!

Index card art IDYLL 2019-06-29 ICAD by iHanna
ICAD June 29: Idyll/idyllic place, it’s not always what we imagine it to be…

Index card art 1800talsveckan 2019-06-30 ICAD by iHanna
ICAD June 30: 1800-talsveckan, about the 19th century event we participated in this weekend. It was very busy, but also interesting and awesome. I took quite a lot of photos that I will be sharing in a blog post as soon as I’ve edited them.


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3 Responses

  1. Your cards are so interesting, I would love to know more about your process. Do you find one picture that speaks to you and then look through your stash to find coordinating pieces?

  2. I am a new follower from Aotearoa New Zealand. I am really enjoying seeing these gorgeous index cards and happy I found a stash of them when I began to tidy up my craftroom.
    Love your blog.

  3. Really enjoyed all your collages this week, Hanna! Loving the happy colors and “balanced” look of them all. Thanks for continuing to share your artwork with us and your fun descriptions! I always like reading about what you were thinking or what inspired you to create something. I think I may need to mark iCAD on the calendar for next year so I can give it a try.

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