White white white

White is beautiful, calm and soothing, but can also be cold if there is to much of it.

I’ve picked out some pictures that says “white” to me in a beautiful way, so this is a white post. I know some of you adore white, so today is a photo filled post with a theme. White.

White white white

White bird

Insence candle

White rose


Fluffy flower

And a link: White inspiration

16 Responses

  1. Det vita huset ?r ursnyggt! Jag k?pte ett s?dant p? Village ?t en v?n och ?ngrar verkligen att jag inte k?pte ett ?t mig sj?lv ocks?… :-(

    L?ser f?r ?vrigt din blogg regelbundet och beundrar din kreativitet! Skriver du n?got om ditt l?sande nu f?r tiden? Bokkanalen verkar ligga nere (precis som Bokm?rkt…). Jag l?ser massor men hinner aldrig skriva om b?ckerna jag l?ser.

  2. Beautiful white forms, especially the first two pics, and the last one too. That little bird… so sweet.
    see you, g

  3. love all the white! we are getting ready to landscape the front of our house . . and i’m hoping to do all white flowers!

    white is so fresh and so clean!

  4. Ya know, in the past I’ve hated white with a passion. Most of the time, to me, it seems like such a blank color. Cold, like you described it. But these select few items remind of smooth milk and serenity. Thanks for bringing white back into my palette.

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