Miniature Art Journal Idea & Drawing time

iHanna's Miniature Art Journal filled with illustrations, more on the blog

So, after finishing the big 365 Collage project I did last year I have been mulling over new ideas around here. I am working with my one word of the year (willpower), and in January it was a huge success. In February (so far) not as much, because I am once again without a day job and it is hard to be on your own sometimes. Discipline and willpower become opponents in an inner (extremely aggressive) war, and I sometimes stick my head in the sand and wish for it to be over. What I want to do is one thing, what I wish I had already done (yesterday!) another and what I actually do a third thing. But that’s not what I wanted to write about, instead I wanted to share what I have created in January 2014 – a miniature art journal! This tiny book just “happened” and as all good things that simply happen it was easy, effortless and a lot of fun!

January Mini Book: Heart & Sun

I started by laying down a background layer of paint on strips of scrap watercolor paper (all leftovers from cutting squares for collage last year). Each strip was cut in half and then folded, creating a tiny book that measures 8 x 11 centimeters (3.1 x 4.3 inches), about palm size. Love to work in miniature books, or booklets as I like to call them! And because I filled the entire book of 16 pages not counting the front (four folded pages in total) in January, I simply named it January 2014 and thought:

– Hmm… Maybe this is the first miniature art journal of 12 this year? Well, at least it could be. Let’s just see how it goes, shall we?

January Mini Book: Heart and Sun
The first spread has a blue heart and a sun, and it is a little different than the rest of the pages in the book. Because I did a lot of collage last year I have been feeling a longing to paint, draw, doodle and play with blending fun colors. So I have made a little face on each page of the book, most of them kind-of-self-portraits in one way or other.

January Mini Book: Smiling Gal

I am really in love with this tiny book, and can’t wait to start another one, similar or on another theme.

January Mini Book: Green Haired Boy

I love how every time I sit down something surprising comes out… Something I had no idea was inside of me.

January Mini Book: Second Spread

I love how happy this book, and each drawing, makes me.

January Mini Book: Third Spread

It might sound egocentric, but in a way, all things I create are self portraits. Portraits of my inside, of my feeling, of my smile or my loneliness. I think it’s good to let what is inside come out, on paper, fabric or in writing. Let your inside shine through – and let other people see it!

January Mini Book: Heart & Shining Ghost Man

Thanks for letting me share my miniature art journal with you guys! Do you make booklets too, or will you make one this month?

You can find the rest of the pages in my next post. xoxoxo

13 Responses

  1. Hi Hanna – So sorry about your work. It will get better…step by step as you head to the spring your luck will change…I can just feel it :-)
    I LOVE your little book and colors and faces. Wonderfully happy and cheerful, so unlike the words you started your post with. I think you cheered yourself up!
    The characters are so full of expression, I would like to know more about their personalities – maybe a book is in store for you??
    xoxo pam

  2. I am sorry about your job. I hope that as this door closed, when you turn around an even brighter door will open for you. As Pam said, you cheered yourself up as you wrote your blog entry. I love the little journal and the bright colors used. Some of the characters were smiling and some were puzzled, but none were sad. It is a time of questioning what direction you want to follow. I know that it will be wonderful, because you are such a positive person. I am pulling for you, as I know a lot of other folks are also.

  3. Your mini art journal is so cute! I love the bright, happy colors you chose! And I agree that it is very good to express your feelings through art! We’re all rooting for you, Hanna, and believing that good things are in store for you in the future! Sending big hugs and creative happy thoughts your way!

  4. I’m thinking to make this miniature book as an project for year 2014.
    Thanks for inspiring post.

    *You will get your dream job soon..who’s know.*

  5. Oh…. I SOOO love your people drawings!!! Me Me Me….I get THAT!!! I too seem to draw them as they are me, younger, older (I am 67) whatever…. ALL of your work is beautiful and not ordinary which is why I love it….so inspired!

  6. This is adorable. I always love your use of colour. I do make little books, often with collage in them, as gifts for others mostly. It’s an enjoyable process.

    I also get what your saying about what you want to do and what you actually do. This is a big frustration with me as it’s not always about lack of time. However this year I have decided to try the opposite direction of you and instead of ‘willpower’ I have chosen the word ‘open’ and to just let myself be a bit more and not demand so much of me. It’s not easy. I’m such a controlfreak and I’m really running against that now, but I think it will be good for me to be more relaxed about my artsy endeavours.

    Sorry you lost your job. Keeping my fingers crossed you’ll find another one soon. I’m sure you will.

  7. I love your little book! I also imagine it would be so much more practical carting a teensy book around with you instead of trying to take a huge art journal everywhere! Your quirky little faces are so happy and vibrant, I just love looking at them!

  8. I love these adorable little faces!

    Hope your job situation works itself out…in the meantime, enjoy the time to create.

  9. Love this post, Hanna. I admire how open you are with your art, creativity and peeks into your life! Bummer about the day job…I’m sure an even better one is around the corner! You put some much good out here, I know it will come back to you.

    I have a lot of waiting around this year (busy kids) and am thinking these mini books are exactly what I need! Hmmm…now off to figure out a portable art kit I can use even in my car!

  10. I love your little book! The colors and drawings make me happy too :)
    I’m sorry to hear about your job.. I’m sure something better will come along for you! Just keep doing what you love!

  11. great minds think alike, tydligen! idag kom jag på att jag behövde en pytteliten art journal, så jag slängde ihop en (så praktiskt att kunna göra det själv, att inte vara beroende av vad man kan köpa!). det kommer inte att bli en varje månad, den här kommer förmodligen att räcka ett litet tag, men förhoppningsvis en ny art journal lite då och då. min första var en moleskine, det var lite av ett misstag, vilket jag inte visste förrän efter ett bra tag. alldeles för många sidor! det tog en evighet att fylla den! så nu blir det fler och tunnare böcker, passar bra för mig, som gillar instant gratification. :)

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