Cat Softies for Everyone

In the begining of the summer I made lots of small cats from a pattern I created – do you remember them?

Here they are again, some of them still hanging out in my book shelf:

Katt-i-fnatt-cats in the book shelf
Why are they still living with me? They want to explore the world! What are you waiting for? Don’t your books need a hang-around-cat?

Anyway, I designed my own cat pattern, and called these cats katt-i-fnatt cats in Swedish and Kitty-pat-cats in English. A Kitty-pat-cat can easily be hung on the edge of a flower pot, a book cover or computer screen. In the car, in the babies pram or tucked into your handbag.

This kitty-cat-pat will wants to follow you everywhere and cuddle, just like real kitties do!

I have sooo many cats to send away to new homes, so please buy one (more about the shop in a minute) or join the Newslitter so that you might win one (and I can tell you personally when the shop will be updated).

Shopping cat
No sorry, you can’t get this cat! Even though it looks like she thinks she is going somewhere shopping… She is all mine. ♥ Smilla!

First package sent!
Safe journey!

The first green cat, Willow, has already been sent to a new home. He will be living in Stockholm from now on. I used the parcel I got from Hillary when ordering her pattern book! I like to recycle as much as I can. The fabric is from a vintage curtain I thrifted once.

4 Responses

  1. The kitty pat cats are so lovely, and a wonderful idea. Your cat in the bag, my cats do the same thing, any box or bag left out quickly becomes home.

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