A 5 year old inspired by my online class

Sharing 21 secret inspiration again.

Made by Saar 5 yrs
Saar 5 yrs inspired by iHanna

There is still a lot of creative energy
going on in the art journal class 21 Secrets where I am one of the teachers. Registration closes December 1st and at February 1st next year the workshop will close in this form for good. You have plenty of time to join in and play, and there are two more months to go through the classes!

Saar, the daughter
of one of the of attendees, made the creative centerpiece above. Isn’t it wonderful!? I asked if I could share it here, because it is so cool that my diary doodle inspired a kid in another country! Plus I don’t have children of my own to craft with, but children’s crafts always inspire me!

Saar is only five, and she found the printed “iHanna doodles” (that are part of the handout for the class) in the bin in her house in the Netherlands. Her mom says it was there because the ink of the printer had run out, but Saar picket it up and decided it was pretty. She made her own craft work and put it in front of the fireplace for Sint Nicholas, when the holy man is arriving in Antwerp.

Inspiration for Creative Moms

Are you a mom that wants to have time to make stuff too? Check out Creativity and Motherhood – a podcast from Rïce where she interviews two creative moms (Lisa Myers Bulmash & Aimee Myers Dolich) who has time for both their families and their art!

They mention Jennifer New’s blog Mothers of invention, and I think it looks very interesting.

Also listen to Rïce’s Interview with Dawn Sokol who wrote the book Doodle Diary: Art Journaling for Girls and talks about her next book, doodles for boys.

Great inspiration for both parents and their kids!

* You might also enjoy my blog posts about kid’s creativity and how to foster it.

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8 Responses

  1. I adore making art with my grandchildren. I have quilted it, framed it, pinned it to the fridge. They are six and they just keep getting better and better and better at it too. Amazing how this encouragement helps them grow in this area.
    This childs piece is exciting!!! Glad she looked in the “bin”.

  2. Thanks a lot Hanna, Saar is so proud to be on your blog…I said she would be famous, then she asked “What means be famous?”

  3. Thanks for spreading the word about the podcast, Hanna! It was the first time Aimee and I had talked in real life, and we’ve decided we’re definitely related. Or at least, we’re sharing the same brain. :o) And thanks for reminding me about Dawn’s upcoming book — I have a boy who loves to doodle.

  4. Thanks! Lisa, I enjoyed the podcast even though I don’t have children. It sounded like you two were old friends, haha, how fun, I hope you get to see each other some day.

  5. That is really wonderful!! Saar should be very proud of herself…what a wonderful inspiration she is :-)

  6. Cyndi, thanks for taking the time to comment! Children are so inspiring when they are allowed to be free and creative on their own terms. I know Saar is proud of her work, one can tell. :-)

  7. This sounds like so much fun, and if I had time for one more thing, these classes would be it!