Postcards for the boys…

…and artist trading cards in the mail from the girls!

Tomorrow is both my fathers and my brothers names day. We used to celebrate those when I lived at home, but now our family is lucky if even grandmother remember these things. She used to give everyone a little envelope with a little money and a card on our names day, but now she forgets it most of the time. She will be 86 soon. This year I remembered in time to make some collage postcards, though I don’t think they will get to the lads by tomorrow…

Postcard for Mikael
Postcard for my brother.

Postcard for dad
Postcard for my dad.

When you’re not at home all summer this is what you find when you come home if you’ve been bussy like me trading ATC’s with people all over the world:

This summers load
Crazy, right? Had a great time though, opening all the ATC envelopes and getting it out into fresh air. Mom was giving me the eye. There were the long awaited comic swap with cards for me and my brother, the witch swap, the men swap and the woman swap. Plus my big swap with Anke H in Berlin! Thanks girls!

Last week I didn’t get any fun mail at all, so don’t belive I get stuff every day. But this week is starting good… hehe. This is what came in on monday:

Yesterdays mail
The sun and the lost button ATC’s are from Lori in Canada who sent fabric scraps (love the recycle message fabric!) and fun ephemera too! The fabric ATC’s with handpainted girl and cat are from Mimi Kirchner in the US who also sent a cool butterfly postcard that I adore. Thank you! The text boat and the handdyed and silk screened green ATC’s are from Emma Jane, also in Canada. She writes that our trade is her first ATC trade and:
I can’t remember how I found your web site initally but it has been a real inspiration for me!.
I’m so proud. Thanks Emma! (If I were a strangely rich girl I’d snap your Tree printed journal/album with the water colour pages before anybody else saw it – beautiful!) If you’re ever in Sweden we please contact me and I will have a book binding party! Doesn’t that sound awsome?!

Oh, and Mimi asked how to display the ATC’s you collect, and I think you should check this out! I’m copying Michaels framing choise and putting some of mine on the wall. Soon!

4 Responses

  1. too much fun! All your cards looks so wonderful all together like that. Glad you liked the butterfly card- I wanted to send you something you could reuse for collage :-)

  2. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks for stopping by at wishthimble…glad I found your site – it’s fantastic! Another great place to add to my long list…
    Best, Fran

  3. those are so great. i don’t know much about atc’s but it looks like you got a whole bunch of pretty mail!

  4. dear hanna, for some reason (i don’t remember which) i put your blog under favourites some weeks ago. i just looked at your ‘altered books’ and ‘collage & clippings’. i like them very very much.

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