Mixed Media Painted Postcards
The weather has been very Novembery around here lately. Swedish November is such a sad, sad thing. Yuck! Above no sun or even puffy clouds – only gray, foggy sky all month… The air is damp, the bike is damp, and it gets dark around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Very dark.
So I feel very grateful for all the happy mail I have been getting this month, from you guys.

Happy mail from the DIY Postcard Swap brightens my days. As well as doing creative stuff, as bringing out my acrylic paints and doing some good old layering to create my own postcards. I loved painting my postcards, and I feel inspired to try to do a lot more layering and mixed media painting next year, on canvas or/and in a new altered book. But for today, I’m going to share the 10 postcards I created for the swap, fall 2019.
I hope you like them. Feel free to name a favorite if you find one, I’d love to know which of these you like best.

Underneath all that paint you’ll see glimpses of collage if you look closely, and some of the paint comes from papers painted or sprayed years ago. I was mixing things up, adding as many bright colors as I could.

There are some crayon marks too, as I was reminded to bring out my little jar of Caran d’Ache water soluble crayons and do some mark making. Anything can be saved by those darlings. I love them so much.

The first one below with the fish, is the one you saw most of in the previous post about the cards. I think it was almost done then, and it’s the postcard with the least amount of colors… But I still like it.
The other ones has gotten a lot more color since the “in the making” photos were taken.

Thanks to everyone who is participating in the swap this round! Thanks to those of you sending me your beautiful mail art and brightening my November days here in Sweden.
Thanks for sharing finished postcards and tagging me on Instagram when posting both DIY Postcards sent and received. It’s a joy to check in there, as well, and follow the hashtag #diypostcardswap – a hashtag I created so many years ago now.
If you haven’t joined the swap but will consider it in the future, sign up for my Newsletter. I always notify the list first when I start a new swap round, both in spring and then again in the fall. It is always super fun to welcome new contributors as well as greet the oldies… ;-)
My mixed media painted postcards

Painted bonus postcard created for the swap:

Take care of you and your creativity. May we see the sun soon.

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You’re postcards turned out beautifully! Loving all the bright, happy colors! Glad to hear the Swap went well! Looking forward to participating again in the Spring!
Sending happy, creative thoughts your way as you deal with great skies!
They look awesome!! You’ve inspired me to pull out my paints today and have a play