My so called scarf

My friend Inger bought this blue-green yarn in Taiwan back when she lived there. Now she is knitting a scarf with it, and it is turning out very pretty. This is how her scarf looks close up;

Inger's scarf
Isn’t the pattern cool?

This knitting technique is called My so called scarf on the internet and Inger taught it to me this Sunday at Knit Lab. I did a lot of mistakes while I was learning it (I guess I was distracted by other things and the people around me), but now I know it by heart and can knit without looking at the written instructions I wrote. It’s only two different rows, so it’s not that complicated and it’s great to knit without the pattern. When I started to cast on at KnitLab I used 5 mm needles but those made the scarf thick and clumsy, so once I came home I ripped it up and started anew, this time with needle size 9 mm! Love those thick ones!

My yarn Jazz and knitting needle 9 mm

I have a couple of skeins of this yarn, Jazz print (from Grignascoa, Italy), and I love the colours of it. It’s 100% merino new wool, yummy!

This is what I have after some more knitting at home;

My so called scarf - beginning

My so called Scarf - beginning

My so called Scarf - the pattern
Candy, right?

And knitting this pattern is the perfect challenge for me right now, not too difficult, but not as easy as the normal knit 2 purl 2 that I was planning on doing before I got to Knit Lab. The yarn is thick so the knitted piece gets very compact and thick. The structure reminds me of something that is crocheted, or a weaved material in some ways. You could also call this pattern herringbone pattern. I think you should try it out if you haven’t started this autumn’s scarf project yet! :-)

My so called scarf

These links might help

Good luck!

23 Responses

  1. it *is* a fun pattern, I am working on one now too – I love the texture. Good luck with your project, it looks great!

  2. Ciao, I from Milan, Italy. I read and love your blog, from many years, and the photo of Stockholm (i love it!).
    Sorry me for my english. Bye bye.
    Anna Maria

  3. Love the colors you’ve chosen. The yarn is delicious. I don’t knit or crochet so I like seeing what other people do! Then I can always tell my mom to try and knit ____ for me. :)

  4. Vilken mysig halsduk! J?ttesnyggt m?nster, det passar perfekt till det flammiga garnet. Ger mig stor lust att l?ra mig sticka ordentligt. N?r ska jag ta tag i det? Om 5 ?r? Eller direkt efter en kuggad tenta? :) (om en vecka m a o)

  5. oh lovely texture…your blog is beautiful and the photographs are just lovely. i am off to check out your book. it looks absolutely amazing!

  6. Hej
    Snygg halsduk. F?rs?kte l?sa m?nstret….har du n?gon ?vers?ttnig f?r engelska sticktermer?

  7. i love that scarf! the pattern is original and beautiful.
    congratulations on your book and interview, hanna!
    i am also in love with your cat.

  8. love your blog. thanks for the video links. i’m a knitting newbie and couldn’t figure the pattern out. the video helps so much.

  9. This pattern is really good for multicoloured yarn! I downloaded this pattern last winter, but haven’t tried it yet. It looks great! And I also want a cat like yours to keep me company when I knit. :) She’s lovely!

  10. I love the pattern! I must give it a try.
    I’ve been meaning to head over to Knit Lab to check out the yarn selection but I’ve been busy. Knowing that there are such delicious yarns there, I must go asap!

  11. I’m making this scarf now too. Except after I knit a few inches of the original pattern, I decided I didn’t like the purled side. So I frogged it and started knitting some variation I made of it.

    Instead of knitting one side and purling it, I alternate it each stitch, so it’s kinda of a ribbed stitch look.

  12. Hi Hanna,
    I’m SO glad I looked at your knitting posts! I started that same scarf but stopped after I made a mistake, because I couldn’t figure out how to fix it! Your scarves are beautiful… it really is a great stitch pattern, isn’t it? I love how it looks with varigated yarn… so much so, that I may need to go and start a new scarf right now! Take care!

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