Different journaling styles in my Moleskine diary

Some spreads from my Moleskine this time. Most of the pages/spreads are very personal and private, but these I don’t mind sharing with the you. Maybe you’ll get some ideas to spark your own journaling with collage, sketching, writing, note taking? I hope so.

Coupland Quotes

While reading Coupland’s Life after God I had my journal with me and copied some quotes that I liked into it. This is new to me, but I really like it! Try it you too. My book was from the library and in Swedish with Coupland’s own drawings on each page. I really liked this book, hence all the quotes.

Rose sketch

Another quote from Coupland and a sketch of a rose that I made. The rose was on the table, a yellow one that dad picked from the garden.

Diary entry

A diary entry that wasn’t written on a plain page but on a magazine image that I glued to this spread before I started to write. I do this sometime and I love writing over magazine images (if they’re not to dark).

8 Responses

  1. i am always gluing things into my moleskin journal … i like images with my words too, lol …

    thanks for sharing these wonderful bits of you …

    : )

  2. Hi Hanna!

    Thank you for the nice comment on my blog. I don’t read Swedish, but I love the look of the journal. I understand the Life After God sentence. LOL! I love the page with the rose, and the dresser. So beautiful, and the writing looks really neat with the open space in those photos. Your blog always has the best ideas.

  3. I really like your blog! It’s so inspiring and full of lovely thoughts and ideas. I’d like to add it to my favourites…

  4. Hej v?nnen!

    Kom hit f?r att titta p? dina fantastiska collage och f? lite ispiration till jobbet. Sitter med en webbplats som ska designas och t?nkte testa lite collageinslag.. Och vem skulle vara b?ttre att v?nda sig till f?r inspiration ?n Du?.. Ingen.

    Hoppas du har det ok. Att allt blir lite l?ttare varje dag. Att du hittar mysiga, roliga, fina, vackra och sp?nnade saker i vardagen trots allt.
    Jag va f?rresten ute i skogen i l?rdags. Str?vade, eldade, fikade och t?nkte p? dig. Skulle ha varit fint om du ocks? va med. S? trist att du flyttat.

    Blir s?? inponerad varje g?ng jag g?r in p? din blogg! Du har skapat s? fantastiska saker och s? oootroligt mycket dessutom. Dina fotografier ?r underbara och du ?r s? modig och frikostig n?r du delar med dig till v?rlden av ditt innersta som du g?r. Saknar dig. Saknar din sprudlande smittande kreativitet, pysselkv?llar och marknads?ventyr.

    Ha en fantastisk dag v?nnen! Kram! / sandra

  5. Someone must think they are so cute as to write what they did and to post it three times. I hope you can remove this message.
    I really like your blog. I am just getting started in art journaling and I love to get ideas. I am taking some classes at “Virtual University” (an inexpensive way to continue with lifelong learning).
    I took a journaling class last term and this time I am taking a class called “Memoir Writing: The Journey to Me.” It is a fun class.

  6. Jo, thank you for commenting so I could remove those 3 spam comments from darling Javier! They must have slipped my spam deleting program, how strange! Anyway, thanks and yes, I totally agree with you that lifelong learning is a joy to enjoy and pursue, I haven’t tried online classes yet, but there are SO many nice options everywhere right now!

    Take care!

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