Soft and faded photography

Embroidered swirl (Photo by iHanna - Hanna Andersson)
Swirly and fun embroidery on the table cloth.

Soft and faded light
Spring light in the window.

Soft colored laundry hung up to dry.
Next to my desk
On the floor next to my desk is a soft cat waiting…
Guarding dogs
…and in the window two guarding dogs are guarding.
Hello again sewing machine
I’m saying hello to my sewing machine again.

Then I happened to take a self portrait in the bathroom mirror that I really like, toothpaste dots and all:
It's me and my toothpaste dots (Photo by iHanna - Hanna Andersson)
Soft and faded is beautiful.

These photos together make me happy.

This post is a happy post, can you tell?

Hope you are taking photos that make you happy too!?

6 Responses

  1. Yes, I can tell you’re in a happy mood. Your photos are wonderful! I especially like the one of the spring leaves and the sewing machine. Happy day to you!!!

  2. Lovely photos. I think the first one would look amazing in a frame. Maybe a black frame for contrast.
    Have a happy sunday!

  3. Smilla looks so adorable. My daughter’s boyfriend gave her a cat which we name Julius for Christmas and he has completely stolen my heart. I told her that she can move out of the house only if she leaves Julius behind. Simila does look so soft and cuddly. I saw one of your videos where you had her on a leash taking a walk in the woods. I tried that with Julius (he is only 7 months old now), he does not want to move when I put it on him instead he just rolls on the floor. Your photos picked up my spirits today. Thank you. Janice

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