DIY Postcard Swap Autumn 2022

Each autumn I host a swap of handmade postcards and right now you can sign up to join in. All the details are on the swap page, but here’s a quick list for easy reference in case you need it or this is your first time joining a swap.
If you’re at all hesitating on the artistic or creating part, please read this blog post: You can create a DIY Postcard.

- Join the swap today!
If you’re an adult and know that you can send out ten postcards internationally from where you are you can sign up for the DIY Postcard Swap I host. You are most welcome and I can already tell you that creating handmade postcards is super fun! - Note down the dates!
Take some time to add the “send date” to your planner or into google calendar, because that is in the rules. If you don’t know that very important date – this year 20th of November – you will not know when your cards should be ready, when to look for the email from me with your addresses and you might miss the event (if my email ends up in your spam folder for example). - Please check the confirmation email
Once you have executed both sign-up-steps (yes, there are two of them) you will get a google form confirmation sent to your email. In that email you can double check that you have written all the information correctly. Some miss adding their full name in the excitement to sign up, others miss the fact that this is an international swap and you must add in your country at the end of your address!
A few skip adding in their own zip code, and maybe don’t realize I do not have time to search it out for you. Postcards will have a hard time finding you if you don’t write your postal address correctly. If something is not correct in that google form confirmation email you should contact me as soon as possible and I will fix it for you. But it is up to you to make sure you double check. Writing me and asking if you’ve even signed up is not a great idea, it really makes you look like someone who should not be in an online swap… - Create 10 DIY Postcards
Start creating! If you have questions about size, envelopes, waiting – it’s all been asked before and answered in the FAQ. Please refer to it if you need it! For creative inspiration my blog book DIY Postcard Ideas is there for you, as well as Pinterest, the instagram hashtag #ihannaspostcardswap and my entire blog archive! So many ideas to try, I’d love to see what you create if you share it online. Tag me and share your piles on instagram as soon as you can. - Document your DIY Postcards
Mostly for yourself, I think you should take a few photos or scan the cards that you are sending away. I personally love those pile photos! In a year or two it will be great fun to look back on those photos, and as a bonus you can share them on social media, instagram, a blog or to your Facebook page. Tell everyone you’re in a postcard swap and maybe they’ll be interested in checking it out too, who knows? People can sign up all the way until the 13th of November, so let them know that! - Add stamps and send your postcards!
A few days after sign-up is closed on the the 13th of November I will send you an email with 10 addresses for your postcards. If you do not receive that email you may contact me, but not before the 16th of November please. Check your spam folder, make sure you’re checking the correct email address (the one you signed up with) and if you do not get a reply from me within a few hours contact me via another email address (rare cases). It’s time to send your postcards out and celebrate doing something awesome!
7. Start waiting for happy mail!
Print the swap tracker if you need it, and start waiting for happy mail. Note that it can take a few weeks for international mail to arrive, depending on country and time. Enjoy!

Note to participants: It is your responsibility to read the rules, to check your confirmation email (without it you are not signed up) and make sure I have the correct address and email for you – and then to contact me if I can not reach you via email after the deadline. Please do not request personal service from iHanna for basic information that is out there.
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to shoot me an email or post your question in the comments below and I’ll get back to you!
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All signed up and ready to go – yay!
Yay Debs, so glad you’re ready! Me too, very soon.
Just signed up for my first postcard swap! Thank you Hanna for hosting!
Thank YOU Kathy for playing along and making the commitment to get handmade postcards out into the world! You’re awesome!
I´ve just signed up for the third time and can´t wait to send out the postcards I´ve made – and to get ten pieces of art back! :-)
Tack Eva, jag är så glad att du ville vara med ännu en gång – det är fint betyg till swappen!
Signed up! I’ve been working on my postcards… I always enjoy this swap so much! My first time was Fall 2016 and I’ve participated in almost every one – Fall and Spring – since then. It’s so much fun! Thanks for hosting, Hanna!
Thanks for leaving a comment Lisa, I’m amazed and very humbled for returning enthusiasts like you. You make the swap what it is today!
I´ve signed up, YAY! This is my 9th time I´m participating, and it´s so fun, every time! I´m really looking forward to get some happy mail postcards in a few weeks. it´s so exciting to see what other people have created and sent. It´s like having my own little art gallery with unique precious pieces of art!
Tack så mycket Annelie, I love your DIY Postcard posts on Instagram and feel very happy that you could join this year again! Take care of yourself and keep being creative!