Painting makes me happy

Mixed Media painting Flower Power

I long to paint again, especially when I see this painting. It hangs above my bed and it makes me happy. And proud. And amazed, because it was me who painted it. Me!

I have been so unusually busy away from home lately that my acrylic paints are soon to start collecting dust, settling in after the class I taught IRL. This painting, maybe called The Power of Flowers, was created last year after I did my first abstract painting. I found it here on a shelf and noticed that it must be finished. Nothing I could add now would make it better… And that is the telling detail when to consider something finished! This means it should actually be added to my Creative Achievements List of 2010! All I’ve done this year is to hammer two nails to the back for hanging, and then I hung it on my wall. I can’t believe I made it. I just can’t. It doesn’t resemble anything I’ve created before, not even the previous abstract painting! I’m thinking; will this be the case for every painting I do? Something completely new? Or will I find a thread. I’d like a wee thread to hold on to.

Mixed feelings

I want to try again; could I create something similar? And I hesitate with fear; I have no idea how I did this pretty painting, so how can I do it again?! Where the heck did it come from? The fear and the passion often mix inside of me, making my life the Creative Adventure I often talk about. I don’t need to climb steep scary mountains (even though I have done that too), all I need is a paint brush and the challenge of creativity!

More extremely yummy photos (if I may say so myself) of this painting below!

Top view/></a><br />
I love paint on the edges, and viewing it from the top and sides.</p>
<p><a href=a new favorite painting
This one looks good in all angles.

Close up on yummy texture
It has a lot of gesso texture below a lot of paint, which I love.

Painting detail / texture

A small yellow flower

A bigger flower

17 Responses

  1. Wonderful! The textures and colors mix so well, and at the same time are unrestrained and somehow show the joy bursting out. Spatters make it all the more, well, I don’t know how to say it, but just *happy* I also like how you went around the frame/edge of the canvas to show the painting continuing on and on.

  2. It’s a beautiful painting Hanna. For me, the thing about painting is that I never know what I’ll get. It’s very intuitive for me so a bit scary also. If you want to make another painting, don’t try to do what you already did because there is a bigger chance that you won’t be happy with the result. See it as a new exploration of colour and texture and let it take you somewhere different. And if you don’t like the result… you can always put more gesso over it!


  3. Definitely go for it… I think it’s easy to be intimidated and many of us feel the same way – doubts and fears as you do while our painting supplies collect dust. But you just have to approach it like playing around…just like when you art journal all the time…not that you are going to create a masterpiece every time. Happy painting and creating! :)

  4. I know how hard it is to gather enough strength and to believe in yourself, that you will paint even better paitings. I get that too – I paint one that I like and think “oh, this one is good, I can’t give it away as a present to anyone as I might never reapeat this or, even better, exceed myself again”. But that is rubbish – the more you do something, the better you get at it. So don’t stop and whenever you feel the urge to paint, just do that! I know you are a “do-er” so you will be fine.

    After sometime you will find your own style and you will start to see that “thread”. It takes time, but it’s possible.

  5. Thanks for your sweet comment! You are SO right, one should not think too much (or maybe not at all) or one starts to hesitate.. It’s just bette to just start and do it! I know this, but right now I haven’t had time to DO so then I start to “think”. :-)
    Sophie, you’re so right, if something is not the way I want it there is always good old gesso to the rescue!

  6. hanna, this is beautiful! isn’t it just perfectly wonderful to create something you’re so proud of? the feeling is incredible, and, in my case, anyway, i always want to show it off like a little kindergartener. :)

    hope you can paint soon!

  7. Simply beautiful! I did not come from a place of fear, but of eagerness and enthusiasm….I have no doubt there is whole wall of these waiting to be born from you. Those detail shots are delicious. They will fill my brain this morning as I dream of spring.

  8. this is a lovely painting and you know what you need to do is get the paints out and play again..its only paint after all and who knows what more wonders you will create..fear often holds us back and if you dont play with paint how will you know what else you can achieve..that is all I do just play with paint and ideas and sometime I amaze myself too and wonder where it came from.

  9. Hanna, This canvas is dreamy and makes me smile!!! I understand the crazy feeling of looking at a painting you’ve done and not quite knowing how you did it… We paint for the joy of painting, right? If you grab your colors and just play, your creative mind will paint something new and unique. You never know what will happen!

  10. Go for it, Hanna. This is what’s inside you, waiting for your brush to release it. Just do it? Take out a canvas, set up your palette, grab a brush and PAINT.

  11. I love the colours in your painting, so happy and fun. Love the texture you have achieved as well. I often feel the same as you when something of mine just ‘happens’ and i really like it. I think that maybe we shouldn’t focus on re-creating that painting again but the feeling and atmosphere that was around at its creation. Have fun with your next one. Can’t wait to see it

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