Month of Softies

Frankly, I’ve not found a theme at Month of Softies that I’ve really been interested in until now. Elephants, the first theme, seemed to be too difficult for me as a newbie at sewing. Plus an accessory! Scary!

The hung-up in December was about Christmas and I don’t have a tree at home and didn’t feel like ornamenting anything right then, in January the theme was Vintage catwalk, and I felt that catwalk was pretty clothes, and clothes I know from experience is difficult to sew if you want it to look good. The entries are amazing, and I could probably have done something cute like the softie that Bear Girl did, but my imagination was not that great…

Last month was a self portrait and that didn’t feel just right either, who would like a doll looking like me, right? Haha.

Probably I was just afraid of making something really ugly, spending a lot of time on something horrible time consuming and freaky… But a monster… It really ought to be ugly, horrible and very freaky, right? So I’ve made him pink wool hair today – and submitted him on the very last day.

And now it hit me, I could probably have submitted the three musketeers, but it was more fun to do something new.

Here he is:

iHannas monster Frank
He is called Frank – the monster!

His name is Frank, he is a jungle man monster friend. Half frog, half bear he became a green little monster with sharp teeth and long fingers, but a soft heart – a real softie of April.

Month of softies

8 Responses

  1. Awwww, I love your cute monster! And I too have been stalking the Month of Softies for a theme that workked for me, except I’ve been lazy lately. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. vilken cooling! ;)

    jag hade inte en tanke p? att det var monstertema n?r jag gjorde mitt lilla monster i g?r. jag f?r haka p? n?sta m?nad i st?llet och se vad det blir :-)

  3. N?r jag som mest beh?vde inspiration ? hamnade jag hos dig igen! :)
    Vilket s?tt monster du gjort (viskar det s? att h*n inte h?r ?) ;)

  4. hehe. i keep them in a box. silly, but true.
    so about those stripes… i’m going to explain in
    english because it’s easier for me. say you’re kniting
    blue and green stripes. when you switch colors on one
    side it looks fine, but on the other it looks like
    blue stripes and then one row of green, one blue and
    then green stripes. (ok, this is hard to explain!)
    maybe i’ll have to knit some and send you pics. or
    i’ll look up instructions online.
    i like your monster! rolig!

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