Pure Yumminess

Winter fruit on my yuminess list - by iHanna

I write This is soooo yummy! a lot when I comment on other peoples blogs. I think the word yummy is such a perfect one, a yummy word if I may say so. Yummy helps to describe things that are delightful and/or delicious; so good you want to eat it or rather extremely delicious to the eye. I say it in the sense of inspirational, cool, pretty, awesome. On my list of yummy you can find things like:

My Yumminess List

  • typography with letters in all directions or cut up in squares, especially white bold letters on black
  • cream coloured paper tags with white hole reinforcements, you know the kind? I love them as seen on vases, gifts, as labels on boxes or on just about anything. I can’t believe I haven’t made something with tags like that… are they too precious to use?
  • small vases or glass jars of flowers in a cluster together on a table or window sill. just precious.
  • drawings on brown paper, cut out forms of brown paper, doodles on brown paper. plain brown paper
  • a collection of pretty collages or postcards on a white wall, hanging on a line with cloth pins. little arrangements of paper inspiration on a line.
  • painted crumbled tissue paper, half transparent tissue paper in layers, or printed tissue paper like patterns with those lines and random words to guide the sew-mistress
  • oranges and other citrus fruit from far away places that we can get rather cheap here during the winter, like a sprinkle of summer
  • vintage scraps of fabrics patched, mended and sewn together to create a new surface; a metaphor for all creative ideas
  • sentences and words (like these) that feels good like poetry

Now over to you. What is on your list of yumminess?

10 Responses

  1. Funnily enough, I named my first baby doll, Yummy. From a perspective of multiple decades later, it still seems like a good choice. Today, I think I would apply it to dark chocolate.

  2. :)
    My boyfriend has a little farm in Sicily and he grows 150 trees of oranges. So delicious fruits!

    Yumminess for me? hum..
    … a pile of books full of great illustrations on my bedside table
    … a box with a lot of bottons in all colors af the rainbow
    … zines
    … vintage treasures (of any kind)

  3. For the moment it is colours, bright and clear. They are eatable. I also like brown paper and the tags you refer to. Reminds me of quality for some reason. And Tasha Tudors books are always a returning choise when in need of immediat inspiration.

  4. As a Swede living in the UK I also like the word ‘yummy’ (what would be the equivalent in Swedish…?). It just seems to convey exactly what you are talking about when you use it. If something is yummy is pleasing on so many levels! So, what do I find yummy at the moment…? The fact that spring is on it’s way, the evenings are getting lighter – yay! And the inspiring art books I borrowed from my local library. Oh, and cheese – because it eating cheese makes me happy! :)
    ~ Sara

  5. Yes, as Barbara might say, your blog is Yummy! Also on my list:
    – new delicious papers – small 6 x 6 pads and patterned origami
    – new books from the library
    – Washi tape – finally available in my local art store!
    – oil and water soluble pastels – smooth and yummy!
    – lists have just joined my list

    Take care Hanna, you rock!

  6. Yummy things to me right now:
    -photos of animals that make me want to cuddle with them or scratch their heads/bellies;
    -new art supplies (in reality or in photos);
    -handmade journals;
    -vintage finds;
    -fruit smoothies;


  7. Hi Hanna
    ……….. love these yummy things
    – buttons
    – beachy sunbleached wood/shells
    – vintage finds
    – salvaged treasures from old houses
    – watermelon
    -beach homes

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