Create and love

Bara skapa & ?lska

Bara skapa och ?lska is Swedish for Just create and love. A spread in my art journal, one of the more happy ones right now. I’ve been thinking a lot about what is (has become/was) important in my life, and the conclusion are these two words.

I love to create. I create what I love. I create love. And love creates so much inside of me; a warm feeling of joy, the happiness to live and the lust to create even more.

The more I think about it I think that very much of what I’ve created has come through the feeling of love. The love for beautiful things and the feeling I have for people around me. It’s about me learining to appriciate myself more, to love myself more. How could you create anything if you didn’t appriciate yourself?

To be loved by others is very importent, and that can only lead to good things, right?

A couple of lists I made following a promt from Dawn!

I totally loved reading your comments on my 3 art journal spreads last week, so please let me know what you think about these – and what is your take on creativity and love?

Which ones comes first -the hen or the egg? ;-)

21 Responses

  1. I like the way you use the magazine cutouts, I’m still hesitant to do it, but these are the early days of my art journalling. ^^ There is a true happiness beaming out from the first spread and I like all the textures. The second spread is striking because of the interesting text layouts.
    I agree that you have to love your creations, when they are loved they give back this feeling in the form of true self-satisfaction from our work and appreciation from others. *^v^*

  2. They are both so beautiful, but if I have to pick a favorite I would go with the first one.
    You art is so inspiring!

  3. I love all your recent pages! Hard to pick a favorite LOL! I really like how your pages have lots of layers … that’s something I’m still working on. But no matter what, I’m having fun … that’s what counts, right?

  4. i dont know which came first, the hen or the egg, but I do know i just LOVE your journals!

    the colors in the first one are fantastic and i love the movement on the page of the second!

  5. How can one not be happy looking at those beautiful colours. I love the first one because the colours speak to me but the second one has a different charm. Lots of life in those pages!

  6. I really love the colors in the first journal page. There’s just something about the way they come together that keeps me coming back.

  7. I have a love-hate relationship with my creative side. I love creating, but I don’t know what to do with all the stuff i made. One side of me wants a clean place to live with only the things I need – my other side wants to own all pretty things and keep them in cute little boxes. I’m in the process of moving to a smaller apartment now, so this is my biggest dilemma at the moment. :)

    I think your list-spread is really cool! The wavy lines and colors are great. And the first spread really makes me want to create!

  8. I really like your art journal. It’s very inspiring. I’d like to try one of these myself one day. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

    Take care,

  9. LOVE these journal pages. Especially with all the writing. I can’t wait to really peruse your blog. I think I’m going to love it. So tired now. I’ll be back!!

  10. Gillar verkligen listorna, s? fina b?de visuellt och inneh?llsm?ssigt! (?lskar att skriva listor, ?nskar att jag kunde g?ra det s?d?r estetiskt tilltalande…)

  11. Now I’m back “perusing” your blog! I still love these journal pages and now I need to add that without love I would be blank, barren, empty. Without love I would create nothing.

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