Book review | Wherever You Go, There You Are
Mindfulness of breathing is one string on which the beads of perceptions, our impulses, our understanding, our very consciousness can be threaded. The necklace created is something new – not a thing really, but a new way of seeing, a new way of being, a new way of experiencing that permits a new way of acting in the world. This new way seems to connect what seems to be isolated. But actually, nothing is ever isolated and needs reconnecting. It’s our way of seeing which creates and maintains separation.*

I’ve finished reading Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn and it goes up on my list of absolute favorite books and will stay there. The “rough cut” edges adds to the books beauty, as does the short chapters, the title and the guiding it provides.
Mindfulness: Wherever You Go, There You Are
Kabat-Zinn writes beautifully and poetic about mindfulness, meditation and other such important things in life. I have been reading it slowly to make it last.
He also describes how your personal meditation practice will make you a happier person. There is something with a open heart that I have felt for real these past weeks. It’s amazing. He has the words for the things I am “getting” more and more these days, and I love that! It makes me feel grateful and gentle. It’s like he is explaining my “aha moments!” to me, or at least he is putting words to some of my thoughts. Every time I pick it up I feel inspired to try more, practice more, be more. It’s a book that you should own and re-read all year around.
Suzi Blu was on day 26 yesterday and on 27 now , of her daily youtube videos. She has inspired me to do morning pages almost every day for two weeks now, which is also a way to find yourself. I watch every video she puts up, because I consider her another guru person in my life. I like it best when she looks straight into the camera and does her talks.

They feel like a modern way to do a dharma talk to the people. The guru here is an art goddess and her monks are the art girls scattered around the world, wanting to be seen, loved and acknowledged. With SuziBlu’s permission we can all be artists, and if we learn from her attitude instead of attacking her we will become stronger, more independent and take crap from no one!
I know I want to join her new site in June for mere 10 dollars and try to do some more Art Journaling, painting and creative play this summer. You should join to, and we’ll play together. All of us!

If you are in need of some inspiration I recommend a visit to Kelly’s blog where she posted another pen list and then to DaisyYellow Tammy who posted about Creative experiments. She also suggest you start planning for your summer, make a project Idea List for your kids or yourself! Making a list you say? I’m all favor of that.
Thinks I want to do
On my list for this summer is;
* woodcarving with Maria
* free-form embroidery
* painting on wood (with wax if I can find it)
* sewing clothes (I was so inspired by the dresses that Diane of CraftyPod talks about in her book review on Chic & Simple Sewing)
* start filling my hand bound art journal
* joining a embroidery club
* paint with suzi blu (online at her blog site
* ordering a pile of books from amazon
* joining a photo walk in Stockholm

In Tammy’s post I found me some great links as well. I was reading through the wiki-how on How to exercise an open mind yesterday, and even though it kind of already is how I live my life I love this list and the thought of having an open mind. Or to be even more open minded… I want to try. It’s not a thing you can decide on, but it is in the constant practice. Every day you try, and then you forget about it and come back to the practice again… Over and over again.
I added the article to my list of recommended reading that you can subscribe to at (if you want to keep track of my open mindedness and how it grows and expands and grow with me), and decided to try a few new tricks. Today I started writing a bucket list, inspired by this article: How to Create and Manage Your Bucket List at
bucket list
1. a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime
Example: making this trip is the first thing on my bucket list
The list should consist of things you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket. As I understand it its not a list of your life goals or things-to-do, but a more fun list of things to try… Maybe it’s your own Open-Mind-List of things that sounds interesting to you? Mine is short right now, but I will keep adding to it. One of the things I want to learn is handstand! Cool party trick and great exercise in one – so why not? It scares me to try, but with some helping hands today I did! Yup, stood for a few seconds but not with any balance. I’m a long way from standing tall though, but I will keep trying this summer.
So, don’t forget to be mindful even if you’re super busy!
Writing a Bucket List for Summer
What is on your Summer Activity List? Now is a good time to start planning. And do you have a Bucket List yet? What are the things you still haven’t tried but dream of? Silly little things, like handstand or big things like painting with Suzi IRL?
Maybe you could start one at your own blog and see where it leads you… Share any thoughts below. Thanks!
Interested in the book: Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life – click the affiliate link to Amazon to learn more
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Hello hanna! Beautiful photos! I love them!
Christy, thanks! I had fun taking and playing with these photos! I saw the thread spools you found in your mosaic at your blog – they are awesome and so cute! Thanks for sharing. Wood spools are the best!
Hi Hanna !
I started a weekly meditation class about a month ago. I am absolutely loving that one hour a week of concentrated mindfulness. It has been spilling into the rest of my world in many ways. I know deep, deep inside that being mindful whenever we can is the real key to living. You can just feel it on your soul when you give it that gift !Being creative and crating art is one of the best ways for me to do this, besides the meditation. It is such a mindful place to be, me with my paint, paper and my imagination…
Your plans some wonderful ! A perfect summer ! Handstands, eh ?
I need to work on my lists !
Hugs, wonderful Hanna !
Hi Kim!
I’m so glad you are getting to know meditation practice, and that it’s spilling into your life. How could it not, it’s a powerful thing. Thanks for sharing, makes me happy for you! Let me know if I can see your list, I’m curious! :-) Hugs!
Hi Hanna,
I like your today’s post and for sure will come back to read again and follow some links.
Concerning the handstand: Three years ago I flew to Goa, India, for the purpose of learning handstand (against the wall, I have to say). Good enough reason I thought
(plus my visa was still valid, plus a great yoga teacher I met before was spending his time there and was teaching me). So, you are not alone :-)
Concerning Stockholm: On my summerlist stands: bicycling through Stockholm (and the Archipelao).
I’m glad for you that you finally manage to get some meditation time. I remember your wish and your struggles before.
Take care
Oh my, Tally, thank you!
Yeah there are lots of great links hidden in todays post, you have to come back. :-) Did you learn handstand, can you do it? I wish I could go to Goa for that, but not right now. WHEN you come to Stockholm let me know and we will have a creative crafternoon somewhere there! Okay?
And about the mediation; you remember?! Hihi, that’s cool. It’s a constant struggle but I won’t give it up! XOXOX
Hi Hanna again, as I said I do handstand against the wall. Yes, I can still do it and I am very proud about it. The trick is to use your abdominal muscels. Core strength is the magic word. I always concentrate on them in the beginning and once I’m up.
Be careful with offering a date. I might actually come ;-)