Thrifted Finds | Vintage Flower Pots

Thrifted Flower Pot

With a Summer Crush on Flea markets I have been to several outdoor flea markets this summer. And yes, some nice finds did find me! My favorite might be these two flower pots, featuring my favorite china pattern!

Thrifted Flower Pot

I’ve got coffee cups, a vase and a small pitcher that I also use for flowers. And now, these two lovely flower pots, with Chinese looking birds and flowers. Yum!

Thrifted Flower Pot (with turquoise inside!)

And they are turquoise inside! Love that, goes well with my table of course.

Thrifted Vintage things

I also bought a vintage tin can, decorated with roses:

Vintage Rose Tin

I couldn’t resist it!

3 Responses

  1. these are gorgeous, and I also have a table I painted turquoise, the colour combination is beautiful!

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