The Beauty of Withered tulips I still think that withered tulips are beautiful. They are more fragile than before. Their colors muted, their petals wrinkled –… Categories Photography
Dear Photo Diary | Celebrating Perfect Days If we want to discover the full potential in our humanity, we need to celebrate those heartbreaking strengths and those glorious… Categories Photography
Bellis Miniature Sculpture To me this is a Bellis Perennis – a common plant of meadows, lawns and other grassy areas, frequently found growing… Categories Creative People/Home Comforts/Inspiration
Thrifted Finds | Vintage Flower Pots With a Summer Crush on Flea markets I have been to several outdoor flea markets this summer. And yes, some nice… Categories Home Comforts/Inspiration/Thrift & Recycle
Flower Decorating Idea One of my favorite flower arranging ideas is still my own flower in a coffee cup that I came up with… Categories Creativity & Life/Home Comforts
The Gift of Flower Picking And so our mothers and grandmothers have, more often than not anonymously, handed on the creative spark, the seed of the… Categories Photography
Fabric flower inspiration Thank you for all your well wishes and comments on my New Year Resolutions post. I was so surprised that so… Categories Fabric & Sewing
Summer in Springfield Dear Photo Diary, greetings from Springfield. I brought the summer inside. Categories Photography
My kind o’ cup For midsummer I took some of the rose cups I thrifted last week and made my first flower arrangement for the… Categories Creativity & Life/Home Comforts
Photography of Withered tulips I think that even withered tulipes are beutiful. I took these photos in the morning when I woke up. When my boyfriend came home in the evning he through them away… Categories Photography