A pocketfull of zines

Zines in the mail

I have received a two new zines this week! Lucky me. The first one was from Linda in Italy. She was inspired to make her own zine after reading my Mettazine, and as a way to say a very generous and big “thank you” she sent me her little publication. She calls her zine Pensieri, which is Italian for “thoughts”. Her first thoughts very on art journaling and in this the second issue she is thinking about pockets…

Linda's Pensieri zine issue 2

It kind of reminds me of Deborah’s zine Small Art Quilts that I’ve talked about before because it is so project oriented, almost like a long continues tutorial. I love that kind of stuff because reading about how others create always inspires me to jump up and create myself. I guess that is why I own so many yummy books about art and keep reading blogs that inspire me.

Inside peek of Pensiere zine

The cover is made from a up-cycled envelope (with several envelope patterns tucked in at the back) and you can already tell by the very professional binding that Linda is a bookbinder (among other things). She describes how to use pockets in your journals, notebooks and other paper projects as well as give you inspiration to design your own patterns. Fun zine indeed.

Zine from Becky

I also got a little zine from Becky sent to me this week. It is a bit smaller and made with a different approach. Becky’s zine is more random and it is filled with snippets from her life and her collage artwork.

Inside peek of Glimps

Her zine has the same name as her blog and her shop; Glimps. So not as much to learn and read, just little “glimpses” into Becky’s artsy life, her economy and her chocolate cravings! Hehe. Glimps is pamphlet stitched with waxed linen thread and has 20 colour pages.

Zine surprise

My favorite part of Glimps was the super cute notebook tucked into a transparent pocket in the back of the zine…

Handsized notebook from Glimpts...
…a palm-sized notebook with…
...with fun papers
…a mix of patterned papers that I really like. Grids and lines etc.

Zine notebook with fun papers

Check them out

* You can get Linda’s zine Pensieri Pocket Galore at her Etsy Shop
* You can get Becky’s zine Glimps at her Etsy of course! :-)

9 Responses

  1. Oh wow, thanks so much for mentioning my zine – I am honored that you would blog about it! I hope you enjoy :) I just love sharing my crafty thoughts with others and do hope it helps to inspire and just spread the crafting fun… it’s the process that we must all enjoy :) Grazie again!

  2. Linda, thanks for the comment and the tweet – and the great zine. I’m the one who is sending you a big grazie this time! I’m looking forward to the next issue.

  3. dom ser hur trevliga ut som helst! det ?r s? l?tt att bli helt zine-beroende, hittills har jag inte sett ett zine jag inte gillat… jag har lite sketcher som jag t?nker ska ing? i mitt n?sta zine, men jag m?ste f? lite kreativ lust f?rst, jag har inte kunnat m?la p? s? l?nge, och nu har jag panik f?r saker som m?ste vara klara f?r brevl?dan alldeles f?r snart. yikes!

  4. Malin, ja visst ?r det? Det ?r som karameller, zines, man vill bara smaska i sig fler och sen baka n?gra egna! :-) Ett zine om tatueringar kanske? Har du sett den nya boken Bl?ck? Mycket fina bilder.

  5. Oh my goodness. Those are sure inspiring! I checked out your other post too about the zine you made, what fun! One of these days…maybe one of these years is more likely, but one of these days I’d love to make a zine!

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