Pinterest visual image party

Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to.
John Ed Pearce


Last week when it was raining I was hooked on Pinterest for a few hours. It’s a great visual party going on over there, and you should join in and start to collect your own favorites! It’s super easy and so much fun!

Pinterest (Craft Ideas pinned by iHanna)

I “pinned down” images mostly from others people’s boards this time, clicking from one board to another. It’s awesome when you find someone where you really love almost everything you see (like this board of Beautiful Spaces). Then you know you’ve encountered someone with really good taste (hehe).

You can “pin” any image on the internet by using a plugin for your browser. When you see an image you really like you can click to pin it and its added to any one of your boards. Mine are about owls, collage, craft ideas, embroidery etc. and can be found! I think it’s quite polite to write a note under the image that gives credit to the creator in some way, but Pinterest also saves a link to where the photo was found (but it can be confusing when people are re-pinning or find images on tumblr where credit is already lost sometimes)!

Are you on pinterest yet? Feel free to follow me on pinterest to see when I add something new.

New Flickr mosaic July 2011

Inspiration Mosaic July 2011
Inspiration Mosaic July 2011. View big!

If you are a member of the photo sharing site (and it’s free to sign up) you can mark pretty images that you come upon with by clicking the star above each photo. All your stared (also known as favorited) images can then be displayed under the tab Your Favorites. It’s an awesome way to save eye candy, but it’s not saved under a category like it is on Pinterest.

I’ve been doing this for years and years now, and each end-of-the-month I try to remember to create a flickr mosaic with the help of Mosaic Maker. It’s a visual reminder of what I looked at and really liked during the past month. Plus, each mosaic is like a little piece of art in itself. Part my visual eye candy, part others generosity of sharing photos of their home, craft, style and colours.

I am and always will be an image collector, both online and off. My drawers are full of visual inspiration. I just can’t stop and now it’s super easy to “collect” pretty images online. Do you collect images? What kind of images are you drawn to?

Happy August my friends!

6 Responses

  1. Hi, Hanna: Thank you so much for including my Pink ICAD in your Mosaic. I am very flattered! Actually, tickled pink would be more like it! ;)

    I too love Pinterest, and probably spend too much time there! tee hee

    I do have a few Mosaics myself but have not been keeping up with them. I think I will use your post as inspiration to do a “summer colors” Mosaic.

    XOXO, Sandra

  2. I joined Pinterest at the beginning of July and try to visit it only once or twice a day. As for Flickr, I want to start using it more often to share my photos and to view the photos of others.
    Your mosaics always inspire me and I love to see what catches your fancy.

  3. I’ve been seeing Pinterest popping up on blogs, and I really must try it out. I have many many magazines that need cutting up, but I also see so many pictures online that I love.
    Thanks for continuing to be an inspiration Hanna. I’m slowly learning to move past my fear.

  4. Hi Hanna, I’ve been more or less away from blogland for quite a while, so today is the day I will go through your blog. So, the clicks from Germany are from me :-)
    Since last week I finally have a fast connection *yeah and hurrah* (not possible before) and a real flatrate.
    Pinterest I discovered before and instantly fell in love. Now I really can enjoy it. This visual way is MY way of collecting inspiration and tutorials.
    My worry is it might get down and all my links are lost. I stopped bookmarking now because I hardly looked at bookmarks later.
    Tonight I even dreamt that there is a law that will forbit capturing pictures from website.
    Happy pinning

    • Tally, Germans like you are always welcome to browse back and forth, and leave a comment to let me know what you’re up to! Thanks! :-)

      Pinterest is addictive but fun, I will start follow ttally there now! :-) Visual bookmarks are probably the future, huh? Pin it, and move on baby!

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