YouTube Obsession: Greenery & Houseplant Jungles As a creative person my obsessions are many and varied. Because of the internet I often fall down the rabbit hole… Categories Creative People/Home Comforts
Encyclopedia of Inspiration Encyclopedia of Inspiration is a series of books by Janine Vangool, who is also the creator of the, among artists and… Categories Book Inspiration
Thoughts on Social Media from a bloggers perspective Thoughts on Social Media from a bloggers perspective or simply put: My personal social media rant of the year. As a… Categories Digital Life/iHanna philosophy
Postcards from the world Handmade postcards are like little cute birds that fly into your home and sing to you.iHanna Postcards that I have received… Categories Creative People/Inspiration/Mail bliss
When you just HAVE to make something You know that feeling you get sometimes, that you just have to make something? The creative urge hits, and you simply… Categories Fabric & Sewing
Inspiration | Craft Ideas to try We have within us the capacity to manufacture the very quality we are constantly chasing. Daniel Gilbert Even though pinterest is… Categories Inspiration
10 Amazing Pinterest Collections I love Pinterest! There are a lot of boards that are simply amazing out there, in one way or another. Some… Categories Digital Life/in list form/Inspiration
The Glue Book Adventure Continues The definition of a Glue Book is a nice looking notebook where you glue in anything and everything that you fancy!… Categories Journaling & Notebooks
Having Bold Intentions – June Ideas I love Elise Blaha’s blog, and I admire the way each month she sets new Bold Intentions for the month. The… Categories Creativity & Life/in list form
My visual wish-list I’ve put together a Visual Wish List on Pinterest, trying only to add things that I would really like to own…. Categories Creativity & Life/in list form
Pinterest visual image party Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to. John Ed Pearce… Categories Inspiration