Not on my wall yet

I’ve started to notice other peoples walls lately, and what they hang there – maybe because I do art to hang on the wall myself? Or maybe because see things differently now?

I look much closer, and gather ideas on artists that I find interesting and home decoration, in my mind. Sometimes I even have to snap a photo of the art I see. Like this one:

Trollslända i fönstret, photo by iHanna
Above you see the magic little dragonfly with silver wings from Hemslöjden. I have this one on my wish list, but I don’t know if they still sell them now. Isn’t it just magic?

Marinas ugglor /ceramic owls on the wall at Marina's house And my friend Marina owns the clay picture of the three owls. I find it both ugly and aesthetically pleasing.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ll never ever ever have a finished home. A one unit of beautiful home that you can walk from room to room and admire each corner. I’ll never hang all my paintings and be content, I’ll never find storage for new materials as fast as I bring them home. I clean everything up (pick up, put away, dusting, organizing) – then I mess it up myself just as fast without thinking. Just by being me.

This awesome penguin is not hanging in my home either, but I really think it is pretty. ‘

Framed penguin, photographed by iHanna 2006

What do you think?

Do I have to accept the fact that there will always be plastic bags to unload, newspapers in strange places and dust under the couch? I think so. We’ve lived in the same apartment for years, and still the empty frames pile up against the half hung art wall in my bedroom. I just buy more beautiful frames, plan beautiful collages I want to make and then all of a sudden the pile of materials grow!

Maybe if I had a house or just a studio, the rest of the rooms would look more serene, but I don’t think I’ll ever live in that magazine picture I dream about. But life can be fun, maybe some day I’ll do a collage on the wall like DJ did!? So cool.

Picture wall The white wall with mounted photos in different sizes belongs to my parents not-in-law. It is their new white kitchen wall in the summer cabin, and I think it is so nicely made. But then again, I’m a sucker for photos of all kinds. And in this wall there is at least five photos that I’ve taken!

7 Responses

  1. Jag gillar ugglorna…. riktigt retrofula…. p?minner mig om utst?llningen Stig Lindberg p? Nationalmuseum som jag nyss sett. Massor av 40- 50-talskeramik o porsli i glada f?rger o m?nster, crazy former o m mycket humor!!! Rekommenderas!
    H?lsn. Helena

  2. I live in a house that is finished and yet never finished. I?m always getting carried away, moving furniture around, moving pictures around and changing the uses of different rooms and corners. I think it?s become my main hobby…and I love it. It sounds like you need to make your own list of 101 things in 1001 days!

  3. I love collecting pieces (and trades with other artists) that will go on the walls, but my problem is they are not framed so the remain packaged up + not on the walls.

  4. Hello from France
    I like to read of you and look at your pictures, it is every time a new pleasure. I get curious, inspired, we never have enough time, enough fabrics, but it is so nice to find time to communicate about creation.

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