The Hamster on my Head
You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not’?
George Bernard Shaw
Let’s draw selfies! Much more fun and original than taking them with your cell phone!
Working on new journal with brown paper bags inside, but also in this one darling journal. There is a drawn selfie of me, with a hamster on my head. It’s from when I did baby sit a hamster a few weeks this fall:
He’s called Santie. He used to walk over my journals when out on the desk, eat my washi tape and lick my watercolors. Because then I colored in the background:
All while listening to these lyrics, by Lily Allen again, over and over again;
I quite like this art journal spread, as a whole (no collage included):
What do you think?
This is what art journaling is all about! The day to day stuff that makes you smile, think, wonder, or giggle about your life! That’s why I do it!
Yeah, I like it too . . . collage or no collage it’s the sentiment that counts.
Love your selfie and the hamster … it’s too cute! : )
After reading that, I think more women ought to put a hamster on their head and see what happens.
I loved this spread :) There are less layers compared to your usual pages, but i liked this much more.