Creative Snapshots | Nutritions

Ruby Porto

Nutritions – and I don’t mean (only) food. I mean all the things from the nutrition circle, like sunshine, books, stories, and such…

What I'm reading

For instant, I’ve just finished reading The Passage by Justin Cronin and OMG! Otherworldly kid and virus vampires in a dystopian future where the human race is almost erased… Where everyone is afraid of the dark, because that is when they are coming… If that sounds like something you could read (and read and read and read) too, get it. I feel like I couldn’t breath properly for the two weeks the 800-pages lasted, but now I can’t wait for the next one…

To me, books are a must, just like food.

New novels April

That is why when I had a discount on English paper backs, that ended up not being at all cheap. Already finished John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars, which was a great (but sad) read about a girl who has cancer since she was a kid. Sad, but also beautiful and very romantic.

I also got (won!) Aimee Ray’s new book Doodle Stitching, but haven’t had much time to browse it yet because I’m making an embroidery book myself. It’s the board of Sweden’s Embroidery Guild who is making “a small book” of 200 pages, featuring 92 storytelling embroideries by our members. I think it will be a very nice book full of stitching inspiration and close ups, but doing the writing and layout has consumed most of my time lately. In June there will also be an exhibition, and yes, one of my embroideries will be in it.

What are you reading for nutrition – or inspiration?

10 Responses

  1. I know! The book was wonderful. Loved it. The next book is already out, it is called Twelve. Now I will go finish reading the rest of the post. :)

    • Natasha, I know it’s out, just not to be found in my local book store. I need to order it ASAP, crazy to know how this story will develop! :-)

      • Den senaste jag fastnade ordentligt för var Fredrik Backmans “En man som heter Ove”. Den började lite långsamt men tog sig ju mer man läste och stannar kvar länge. Jag lyssnade på den (älskar Storytel) men den fungerar lika bra som bok. Några som definitivt vinner på lyssnandet är dock Marianne Cedervalls fyra böcker om Miriam och Hervor. De är inlästa med gotländsk och norrbottnisk (tror jag) dialekt. En njutning att lyssna på.

  2. hi hanna,
    i read this book last year & couldn’t put it down.
    now watching “the walking dead”, it is gorey but just have to keep watching.

  3. I wanted to read The Passage! I’ve got it on my long list of books to get!

    I’m reading The Diviners. I’m a slow reader. I’ve had to check it out from the library twice. Guess I’ll get my own copy when it comes out in paperback!

  4. Jag tankar också näring för själen i böcker. Men inte i den genren :-D Har just beställt en stor hög pockets inför sommaren, då jag alltid hinner läsa mera.

  5. Jag kan rekommendera en bok som heter Innan floden tar oss skriven av Helena Thorfinn. Väldigt angelägen bok! Om Bangladesh och livet på en svensk ambassad och om textilarbetarnas liv i samma stad. Riktigt bra!

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