Journal with me: Documenting the Pandemic I don’t think your journal should only be cute stickers and happy times. It should be as real as you can… Categories Journaling & Notebooks
Stay at Home Activity: Fill a Notebook One of my all-time-favorite things to do at home or elsewhere, is filling notebooks. If you are looking for something to… Categories Home Comforts/Journaling & Notebooks
In Pandemic Times: Living in a Creative little Bubble None of us know what will happen. Don’t spend time worrying about it. Make the most beautiful thing you can. Try… Categories Creative People/Inspiration
Camp Reset Traveler’s Notebook This month I’m at Camp Reset most of the time, which is a free online “camp” that is about self-care, mindfulness… Categories Creativity & Life/Journaling & Notebooks/Paper Crafting
Bright Yellow Fruit Salad I like yellow. Not mellow yellow, but the bright sunshiny kind. It’s irresistible! Like fruit salad. Also irresistible. Plus, easy to… Categories Photography
Weekly Link Love: Healthy and Happy Life I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to… Categories Inspiration
Creative Snapshots | Nutritions Nutritions – and I don’t mean (only) food. I mean all the things from the nutrition circle, like sunshine, books, stories,… Categories Photography
The Heart Cat Story The Heart Cat (Hjärtekatten) is a Swedish Craft Project that I joined when it started this spring. It started when two… Categories Crafts
Art is my healthiest habit “Trust this” art collage by iHanna. Day 23 of Art Every Day month November 2010. Todays card with layers of this… Categories Collage/Creativity & Life
The Therapy of Magazine Cutting Are you aware of the therapeutic value of cutting out magazine images? I know some of you already do this regularly…. Categories Collage/iHanna philosophy
Introverted & Creative goes together You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with. Wayne Dyer Ever wondered what’s life for an introvert… Categories Creativity & Life/iHanna philosophy