Art journal peek: Security Envelope Pattern Collage

Security Envelope Pattern collage in my Art Journal by iHanna

While I’ve been making postcards with postal stamps this art journal spread came together. Just a few pieces of blue patterned Security Envelope Patterns from inside envelopes I had in my stash insides, plus some stamps and other loose bits from my desk. These blue patterns makes great collage material.

I’m also checking out you guys who is sharing awesome postcards on the swapping share post. Wow, so much cool mail art going out this week. I’ve been sending out e-mails to everyone who signed up for the postcard today, if you signed up you should’ve received yours by now.

See you at the post office!

10 Responses

  1. Hi, Hanna, Love these pages! I have been collecting postcards for many years. I would have signed up for the swap but I am in the midst of a lot of stuff going on right now and would not have had time to do it justice.

    Maybe someday you and I can trade 3/3 or something.


  2. Very inspiring layout! Such intriguing images to carefully look at and discover in each part of the page.

  3. I wish I could just jump into your art journal today! I love postage stamps, the mystery of far away places, and the journeys mail art goes on- you’ve captured all of that here!

  4. Nice! I’m loving stamps right now. I had a lot of them for a long time, and just used most of them for an Artfest swap. I wish I had done them justice, some of them rocked! It was fun to put one on each of my postcards for the swap. And I’ll definitely be getting more and using them!

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