Do it Yourself Postcards | Share & Connect online

Time to share YOUR creativity with ME! But first:

Postcards Made in Sweden by iHanna

Dear reader of this blog

A quick message to all of my dear readers: Sorry I did not send out my newsletter this time, I feel bad about it. In autumn when another swap comes around I promise to notify my dear Newsletter Subscribers first thing (and maybe I’ll even add in a little bonus for subscribers so be sure to join the Newsletter)! And sorry I haven’t blogged as much as you’re used to this spring. Thanks for sticking with me, it means a lot to me.


Now Share your Mail Art

Yes. If you signed up for the spring swap you can share your postcard blog post(s) below! I’d love to know how you made your postcards. What is your creative process like? Are handmade postcards new to you, or maybe you swap all the time? Please do tell, on your blog or in the comment section below. If you need inspiration you could check out our last postcard swap’s link list. And if you didn’t have time to sign up this round, there will be a new one in fall!

Please read the link up guidelines below – before entering your link!


Link up guidelines:

  1. Only add links to a specific blog post or flickr images and make sure it is related to the DIY Postcard Swap Spring 2015.
  2. Link to the specific post, not to your main blog homepage. I.e: click on the header of your post, and then copy the URL. You can add in several posts if you’ve blogged about your process more than once.
  3. Please grab the {diy postcard swap} button and link back to me somewhere on your blog, and also to this link-post.
  4. Please, please, please check out some of these links to give others some comment love.
  5. I would love for you to become a subscriber to this blog and/or gave the facebook page a thumbs up-visit, or keep updated by following me with Bloglovin for example

Dear Swapper

Message for ya’ll swapper girls: I sent out addresses earlier this week, I hope you got your list at hand, and have sent the postcards out – or are on your way right now. I think it is of utter most importance that you send your handmade postcars out in a timley manner – the 10 assigned postcard receivers will be awaiting your card! Eagerly!

If you have questions check the FAQ, or leave your question below – I’ll try to help you in anyway I can.

Also, please bookmark this post and come back to it later so that you can visit others and leave them some encouraging comments.

You can also visit the flickr photo group to see past and present postcard piles there! And on instagram, check out the tag #diypostcardswap and ♥ ♥ and !

Take care!

PS: you are awesome! all of you!

3 Responses

  1. I received my first swap postcard today – but I haven’t received any addresses to send mine to. Searched through my emails (junk and trash and all) and didn’t find anything.
    Thanks, tonya

  2. I have my addresses, the cards are finished, and once I bring those two things together, I’m ready to hit the post office!

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