Guest Posting

A lot of artists think that they need all the time in the world to make the work. But what they really need is a deadline.
Austin Kleon

Guestpost at Paula's

I don’t have guest posts on this blog, because it doesn’t fit into my idea of my personal blog. I have enough to say to fill every day of the year (though not enough time to do it), still after 10 years… So I trudge on.

I rarely guest post on other people’s blogs either, even though I think it’s really fun when I take the time to do so. I especially enjoy when I’m given a fun topic I otherwise might not have considered. I love the deadline and to have a theme or frame to work with. It’s like writing an article for a paper. It makes me feel challenged in a positive way. I haven’t been seeking out opportunities to guest post much, mostly because my time is limited and I like to write something really special when it’s posted elsewhere.

But since we’ve just been world traveling via blogs I jumped at the chance to spend some time in Buenos Aires, with Paula. My guest post on her lovely blog is called The reasons why a handmade calendar is so awesome, by iHanna. Check it out!

What is your thoughts on guest posting? Do you do them on your blog and what do you think when you encounter them on blogs you read?

5 Responses

  1. I think guest posting is a natural extension of the community that blogging can build. Being a guest blogger can draw new traffic to the site where you are blogging, as well as back to your own blog, so it seems like a win-win! It’s a fun way to learn about new people when you stumble on someone who strikes a chord with you through their guest post on one of the blogs you read regularly. Now, I’m off to check out your post…

    • Thanks for chiming in Andria, your comments always make me happy, you have such a positive attitude! A good guest post is great, I agree. I try to link to other’s awesome content in my link posts, I guess it’s kind of curating too that will lead you to new discoveries I hope. :-)

  2. I think guest posts are fun, but I always wish they could be more about connecting and less about marketing.

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