Fill a tiny Journal: Make a List

Fill a tiny journal with a list / listwriting #fillatinyjournal

If you want to add text but don’t know what to journal about then writing a list is always a good idea. I love list-writing so much I even have a blog category called I write Lists where you can find wish lists, link lists and more. I am a list-maker, but if you struggle to come up with ideas for what kind of list to add to your tiny journal, read on. I’ve got a few suggestions with visual examples in the archives below.

But for now, today’s Fill a tiny journal prompt: Write a list! So let’s do that…

This is the before and after in my current tiny journal:

Fill a tiny journal before and after painting and sewing by iHanna

I used acrylic paint and paint pens to make these pages fun. Then I got into my head that I wanted to hand-stitch on the flower I had doodled and colored another day. So I brought out some embroidery floss and simply stitched it to the left side:

Painted page for Fill a tiny journal with a list / listwriting #fillatinyjournal

Sewing in paper is fun, I should do it more often! After stitching down my little doodle-flower I wrote a list of “some of my favorite things” which is one of my favorite kind of lists. Just some stuff that makes me happy right now, like journaling, painting, crafting and sewing books together.

List by iHanna : Fill a tiny journal with a list / listwriting #fillatinyjournalFill a tiny journal with a list / listwriting #fillatinyjournal

List Ideas for your Journal

Tammy and I did another project together in 2012 (wow, it’s been a while) that we called The List Journal, quite the same as this project with weekly prompts but for lists of five things, and not just words to interpret. It was fun. Our lists were as follows:

  1. Things I love about spring
  2. Five books I’ve read this year
  3. Places I dream of visiting
  4. Five favorite fruits of summer
  5. Washi tape favorites
  6. Favorite Crayon Colors
  7. Things I know to be true
  8. Favorite songs or movies – all time or from this year so far
  9. Things I collect to use in my Art Journal
  10. Random Facts about Me (super fun list to write!)
  11. Subjects I know (a lot about)

All of these lists could be written or interpreted visually in a tiny journal. All my lists are in this cute notebook that Tammy made for me:

List Journal made by Tammy Garcia for the List Journal project we did 2012

Reminiscing a bit

Isn’t it fun that we did this project in 2012 and our next journal project is now, 2021? It’s almost ten years later and we’re still blogging friends trying to inspire our fellow human beings. And I swear, I didn’t look back at our prompts from then at all, until today, and still so many are the same or overlapping what we’re doing this time. Isn’t that so amazing and interesting? Spring, washi tape, colors and today, writing a list, are all things we obviously are very much in love with (still).

What will you write a list about?

Hand embroidery on the page

Join us and fill a tiny journal too

I am doing this project in a journal made by my friend Tammy, and together we put together a list of word prompts. You can jump in at any time to fill any tiny journal you can find around your house. Or make one. Tag us and have fun!

The PROMPTS - Fill a tiny journal with Hanna and Tammy #fillatinyjournal bullet list heart Follow Tammy on YouTubeInstagram and visit her awesome blog DaisyYellow.
bullet list heart  Follow me, iHanna on YouTubeInstagram and here on the blog, where you can subscribe to blog posts via e-mail (just note that it is not the same as the Newsletter).
bullet list heart  Find all the prompts here and share your page each Friday (or later down the road) with the hashtag #fillatinyjournal – and when you do, don’t forget to click around, admire other’s pages and give them a like and a comment.

Next up is the prompt colorful – see you next Friday for that one!

5 Responses

  1. I love these pages! They are so vibrant and fun and cheerful. I feel happier just from looking at them!

  2. Love the colors you chose and that you hand stitched the flower! So fun! I’m a list-lover, too! Thanks for the fun inspiration!

    • Thank you. I can’t understand those who say they aren’t list-writers? There are so many wonderful ways to write a list, right?!

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