31+ Creative Christmas Ideas

December Crafting time!

There are way too many “must do” and “have to fix” things crammed into the month of December if you ask me. Since it is the last month of the year I think we should calm down a bit and only do fun, creative things that makes us happy. Make your own list of December Joys and Christmas crafts that you want to be sure to include in your month!

These are a few things I love and have tried myself. But remember, in my list of Creative Christmas Ideas everything is optional!

  1. Celebrate Advent each Sunday by lighting a new candle
  2. Fill your recipe cards and take note of favorite holiday cookies and food to fix
  3. Bake Swedish Saffron Buns (my favorites in December)
  4. Create your own version of Mushroom Land
  5. Plant or buy Hyacinth bulbs – because they smell like Christmas
  6. Let the weather and season inspire your creativity
  7. Bring out the Christmas Angel dolls to play in the snow
  8. Decorate your windows with twinkling lights (set on timer) to lighten up the December darkness
  9. Make a wreath in red and green using fabric and recycled sweaters
  10. Create a visual wish list for yourself, because grown ups should have wish lists too
  11. If you don’t have a tree you can arrange your ornaments in a bowl
  12. Make at least one pot of homemade Christmas candy (preferably with chocolate)
  13. Use some junk mail and decorate your gifts with a curly paper flower
  14. Do something creative daily during the month of December, there are a lot of December daily Ideas that might inspire you
  15. Celebrate Saint Lucia – 13th of December
  16. Plan your gift giving in time if you want to give handmade gifts
  17. Create a December Journal and fill it with lots of details
  18. Make your own gift labels using lots of glitter or…
  19. …make Gift Tags by painting snowmen
  20. Glitter up a tree or any project!
  21. Be playful with your gingerbread house creations
  22. Take the time to make your own Christmas Cards
  23. …or send out small gifts via mail to friends and family
  24. Document the little details of Christmas
  25. Print and personalize some Red Labels for jars of homemade candy and pressies
  26. Photograph your wrapped gifts
  27. Collect Christmas Craft Ideas on a pinterest board for next year
  28. Dress well and take a photo walk even when (or just because) it’s super cold and frosty, those days are beautiful too
  29. Use the ephemera of Christmas to fill your Art Journal (save cards, wrapping paper, ribbons, tags, labels)
  30. Buy handmade gifts when and if you can
  31. NEW: Draw/doodle wintery images, like snow flake mandalas or santas
  32. Remember to be grateful for what you have

My Creative Christmas Ideas - list your December too! And remember, even though I love all of these ideas there is no way I would try doing it all every single year. Select a few good ones – and relax a little! Be mindful and take care of yourself.

If you feel like making your own list of Creative Christmas Ideas feel free to borrow my list-button and come back here and let me know where your list is! Thanks!

What craft projects are on your list for the week/month?

Happy December!

16 Responses

  1. Hej Hanna! Will you do an accomplishment list again this year (didn’t see it on your list)? Great list though- lots of fun things to do.

    • Hej Carin, vad roligt att du är med och gör mönster! I will do the accomplishments list this year too, it’s a favorite habit at the end of the year. It’s not on this list because this is the “Creative Christmas” list. I might do a “End and Start the year” list too… :-) But promise I will get started on the list of achievements. Will you make one?

      • I think that kind of list is creative too, so I guess that’s why I thought of it for this one. Yes, I probably will. I have been thinking a lot about it the last few days.

  2. Great list! :)
    I totally agree about planting Hyacints bulbs. I used to have some of these amazing flowers in winter when I was still living with my parents.
    Now that I have my house I want them again :)
    I’m going to buy some bulbs this week (I haven’t found them last week)

  3. I love your holiday list, so many good ideas. Yes I agree with trying to keep it simple but fun, and I love pinterest for keeping track of recipes and crafts!
    Happy Holidays to you,

  4. Hanna, what a great list of awesome ideas for the holidays. We have a tree, but or kitchen seems bare, so I’m using your bowl idea!

  5. lots of ideas! those gift tags look like something I’d enjoy doing. and I need some! {:-


  6. Hanna! I am going to be catching up today and so I will try not to leave 15 comments at one time. BUT! I have to tell you that I got your postcard a couple of days ago, and it’s so fabulous! I love the colors, layers, boldness, and the great message!
    Thanks for another great swap. I got another card, but I can’t find her blog or flickr, so I’ll email her and thank her.
    Have a lovely holiday. I can see you are making such yummy things.

  7. Dear Hanna,
    your blog is an inspiration to me all year round, so I just want to take the time to thank you for creating and sharing all those beautiful things.
    Happy holiday season and keep sharing!
    Lots of Love, Pia

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