ATC Embroidery

In my Embroidery group, the Crazy Embroidery Ladies, we get a little kit of things to use up when we’re on summer leave. This summer we got a kit to make a ATC Embroidery.

Summer ATC

Last year’s “summer embroidery kit ” became a huge wall-hanging that I call The Dixieland Tree. This year I was hoping to work on a few projects and suggested something smaller, like Artist Trading Cards, for my Embroidery Group. We all agreed it could be a fun thing to try, to embroider an ATC! This is mine, made with the green fabric and thread I was gifted:

ATC from the Summer Kit
I had enough of green fabric to make a second one, taking the beloved “mixed media” approach this time.

ATC by iHanna

I love the layers and the texture of this second one made from a mix of bits and pieces from my stash. Angelina, sheers, lace, silk and little stitches of embroidery.

ATC by iHanna

Making these ATC pieces takes time, even if they are small. I will not offer them up for trading because I want to keep them as samples of my work. As little pieces of memory. Summer time feelings and texture trials.

ATC Embroidery

My creative mom has already made several and started her own collection in a business card binder. She is much more productive when it comes to embroidery than I could ever be. I’m always distracted by paining, writing, blogging and other projects big and small. Mom made me a special ATC for a trade I suggested we do. She finished hers before I even thought about starting mine, so I need to keep working on one for her. It will reside in her new ATC collection as love token from me.

My own ATC collection is huge as I used to trade collaged ATC’s a few years back through flickr, one for one in pretty envelopes. These two are my first adventure into embroidered ATC’s though. It was fun. I will make more ones.

ATC by iHanna

ATC embroidery is perfect for train travel, and beach creating. It’s practicing “mixed media embroidery” to me. I want to learn how to make textures and colour combinations that feels like my style, like iHanna Art. That is what I’m striving for right now. I aim high, and I know I will get there someday. This is just the beginning. A tiny embroidery step for me, a huge leap for… hmm… mankind. ;-)

** Previous embroidered artist trading cards

20 Responses

  1. These are charming and I loved your tree from last year, it was spectacular. The green linen sets off your pink stitching!

  2. Hi Hanna! I turn to your blog again and again for inspiration. Your ATCs are no exception – so inspirational!

    Here’s a question, though: When you assembled all of the layers in the 2nd card, how did you get them to “stick”? Are the tiny embroidery stitches actually holding the piece flat and together, or is there something like net that I’m just not seeing?

    *Maybe* – if we’re *super-lucky* – there will be a video tutorial of your technique one of these days!!!! I have an OK grasp of the embroidery part; I just can’t figure out the assembly! :-)

    Thank you again for everything you’ve posted!

  3. Thanks for commenting! Robin, I used pins to temporary put the bits in place and then my stitching is what holds it all together. The Angelina fiber is also a bit sticky when you iron on it, so maybe that helped but I don’t think you need it. Just cut little bits and pieces of pretty fabrics and pin it all together with quilting needles and start sewing! Then I glued the fabric to a atc-sized cardstock! Ta-da!

  4. Love it! It looks amazing :) One thing I really want to do it’s to start in the all atc thing, I think it’s a great way to practise collages and other stuff (like embroidery :D)

  5. Wow, these are great work. I’ve never seen embroidery like this – 2nd and 3rd photo. They are amazingly beautiful.

  6. Thanks! Susan, no I haven’t heard of the Sister Trading Card-project, it sounds like a very cool idea! If only there were more hours in a day I’d participate in even more creative projects! :-)

    Evelyn, thanks, I haven’t seen anything like these either, I just made them up when looking through my materials here at home.

  7. I love your embroidered ATC. I have only made a few ATC’s but I really like your thought about them being practice for larger pieces. Embroidery for me comes so easily, but mixed media, well, that is another story. I just dont think in layers, I guess!

  8. Yay for mankind!!

    Don’t you love little things you can work on wherever you are? I am working on little things right now, and I cart my bag of goodies around with me everywhere. It is not only good to keep my mind off the time it takes to get anywhere, but it also keeps me inspired for the big things I can’t do unless I’m in my studio!

    Rock on, sister friend!

  9. Hi Hanna,

    Lovely post as always. I read your site avidly from England and you’re a great inspiration. Sewn ATCs are beautiful – keep up the great work with your site!

  10. I just wanted to let you know that I just ordered my book for the Sketchbook Project because I saw it on your site! I chose the theme “It will be fun, I swear.”

    I showed my mom, and I think she’s going to get one too! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Your embroidery ATC’s are just lovely and I can understand you keeping them! I wouldn’t be able to give them away if i had made them!

  12. My goodness, Hanna – these are exquisite! You have such a talent for stitchery – not only the technique, but an amazing modern design eye. Thank you for sharing these!

  13. You have such a good talent , But I see the dates are from 2010 and now its 2015 please make more post for this craft, I love your work.

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