Flick through past photos

iHanna in Winter Snow

When I read Kim’s post Five years in photos I thought it was quite interesting as I just noticed my Nikon d50 camera had its fifth birthday (yesterday) and I have been looking through my photo folders several times lately.

Kim talks about Pummelvision, a new website by Jake Lodwick that creates a video of your life using photos from Facebook, Flickr or Tumblr. What a cool idea, a video showing all your photos from the past years!

Photos of the past

Here is mine:

Flick the Past from iHanna on Vimeo.

I was stunned when I watched this. I wish I could do a video for each folder, or set themes for them, that would be awesome. Today I am inspired by myself; by my own photos and my past creative adventures. What a treat.

A quick and intense flick through a few of the many thousands of photos I have stored on my flickr account (right now there are about 18,605 photos there!). The video is made using the awesome site Pummelvision! Lots of collages, cat photos and creativity going on in these photos. I think you can already spot some of my “themes” in this video!

Go make your own pummelfun at Pummelvision!

PS: Thank’s Gunnel for the Etsy Treasury mention – lots of great gift ideas!

8 Responses

  1. This is really awesome, i love it! There were several I wanted to slow down to look at more.. you do great work and I always find something inspiring in your blog!

  2. Your video made me cry! And I’m so touched that you included images of things from me as well. It’s completely amazing. I’m gonna shout it from the rooftops of my blog and FB! Girl, you’re incredible. xoxo tj

  3. Wow,, is this what they mean by seeing your life flash before you?
    I see color and nature themes. cool!


  4. Is it not amazing!? How fast the eye can be? Faster than the brain! I recognize so many of these images, Hanna, even though they are flicking through so fast they make their mark! I’ve been with your site through so much of this. Love it. the socks! the quilts! the eBooks! Smilla’s yawn! Your books! The snow!

    i wonder how I can make this my screen saver?

  5. I was just looking and reorganizing all my flickr photos and was shocked to see that I had photos going back to 2004. Where did all that time go?
    And if I am not mistaken, you and I have been swirling around each other in flickr, blogs, etc that entire time – it is always nice seeing your name in comments or a fun tweet!

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