Bright Yellow Fruit Salad I like yellow. Not mellow yellow, but the bright sunshiny kind. It’s irresistible! Like fruit salad. Also irresistible. Plus, easy to… Categories Photography
Planning for Week in the Life Last year I meticulously documented an entire week of my life in photos and words. I took a lot of self… Categories Creativity & Life/Photography
Flick through past photos When I read Kim’s post Five years in photos I thought it was quite interesting as I just noticed my Nikon… Categories Creativity & Life/Photography
Happy Birthday to my Camera Today it was five years ago that I bought my Nikon d50 camera, wondering if I did the right thing spending… Categories Creativity & Life/Photography
Craft and life is one – weekly link love with stars I add new blogs to my Link Love Page all the time, as I find them. I’ve done that for years… Categories Inspiration
I got the camera case blues I love the look of quilted items! So I buy fabric to quilt with, but I almost never quilt. It just… Categories Fabric & Sewing
Nikon d50 is my New Camera I used my savings and bought a new camera today. It’s thrilling, exiting, great and scary. I’m not used to spending… Categories Photography