Boro | Up-and-down stitching & patchwork I have been working on a piece of textile art that was destined to become the cover for a personal art… Categories Textile Art
365 Collages | Week 27 | Shabby Chic Style iHanna’s 365 Collage Project in 2018 is proceeding on the blog as usual, and in her life. If you’re not clicking… Categories Collage/Creativity & Life/Home Comforts
Shabby Chic Collage Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are. Marianne Williamson Writing three… Categories Collage
365 Collages | Week 43 | Rather Shabby Chic We don’t have to worry bout nothing Cause we got the fire, and we’re burning one hell of a something They… Categories Collage
Creativity in Snapshots | Shabby Chic Winter The view from my window. I never tire of my two big windows and the constant ebb and flow of light… Categories Photography
Spray paint a flower pedestal Before and after time again! About three moves ago I had a white pedestal that I really liked a lot. In… Categories Home Comforts
Before & after: the turquoise table It’s time for a new series on tis’ little blog, and it’s about my re-painted furniture and stuff in my new… Categories Creativity & Life/Home Comforts
An Artist Date in town One day last week was spent with a friend in town. We had lunch, exchanged gifts, talked and laughed – and… Categories Inspiration
A Cat is great Shabby Chic Decoration Only cat lovers know the luxury of fur-coated, musical hot water bottles that never go cold.Susanne Millen I have the privilege… Categories Home Comforts
Shabby Chic Roses on Mom’s Postcards 10×2 postcards in a pile.. Both my mom and I went with roses for our postcards. Who can resist the look… Categories Creative People/Paper Crafting
Tutorial on how to make decoupage magnets (pdf) At my journalistic education we worked with Macs and did magazine layout in Quark Express. I’ve installed Adobe’s layout program InDesign… Categories Crafts/Paper Crafting/Tutorials
Smilla’s quilted cat blanket Quilted cat blanket – because all cats need one! Right? While I made a couple of log cabin pillows this autumn… Categories Fabric & Sewing