Hello World: How to Art Journal your trash …unless we are creators we are not fully alive. What do I mean by creators? Not only artists, whose acts of… Categories Art journaling
Our bunny Luna Lapin as a true fashionista As soon as any Luna bunny gets her head sewn straight on, she decides that she is a bit of a… Categories Creativity & Life/Fabric & Sewing
Down the rabbit hole with Luna Lapin softies Oh my fur and whiskers! I’m late, I’m late, I’m late! […] For a very important date! No time to say… Categories Creativity & Life/Fabric & Sewing
Share your Joy – mixed media shareable art Sarah Gardner’s book Share your Joy – mixed media shareable art is a year old by now so I’m well overdue… Categories Inspiration/Mail bliss/Read a book
On my desk today: a Fieldnotes Notebook Keep a notebook. Travel with it, eat with it, sleep with it. Slap into it every stray thought that flutters up… Categories Creativity & Life/Journaling & Notebooks
Something soothingly soft to stitch In the beginning of summer I made a few little fabric collages to stitch together. I wanted something soothingly soft to… Categories Creativity & Life/Textile Art
Dear Photo Diary | Random creativity Dear photo diary is a photography dumping ground of randomness, a catch up of my photography habit, a colorfest for people… Categories Creativity & Life/Photography
Link Love for the Weekend: one thousand things Now that as a society we have collectively experienced the dark sides of ‘influencer culture’, we are perhaps ready to see… Categories Inspiration
Excitement even as we grow older When I was new to blogging (and knitting), a new skein of yarn was enough to create a blog post. A… Categories Crafts/iHanna philosophy
Frida Kahlo and one thousand Daisies or so Art Journaling is one of my many passions, and filling a spread in one of my journals fills me with joy…. Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
Finished Collage Postcards | the Horse & Hound Edition I am not going to say too much today, because it’s already been said with blog posts on the materials and… Categories Collage/Creativity & Life/Mail bliss/Paper Crafting
How to alter bought & unused postcards As explained yesterday in my post about my current diy postcard materials and vintage illustrations I also have this stack of… Categories Mail bliss/Mixed Media Experiments/Paper Crafting/Tutorials