Colour inspiration 1
What I'm wearing

Truth be told I knit these with yarn from my stash, but the colour combination could’ve been inspired by this book I’m reading. It’s called Hello Kitty Must Die by Angela S. Choi. It’s a quick, funny read about a young Asian American woman who will go far to bury the Hello Kitty stereotype forever…

The knitting was as fun and unexpected as the book. Because wow, I’m knitting a grid! A black and pink checkered grid that when it grows under my fingers dazzles me. Combining this deep pink, fuchsia tone with black for the first time. Love the colour combination a lot. It’s kinda hot.

What I'm reading
Maybe now I need to knit more wrist warmers so that I can always wear ones that match my current read!? Right now I’m reading one of those orange penguin books, hmm…

I’m using a pattern with lifted stitches for the grid, from a Swedish knitting book that I recently bought, and making the length and width of the wrist warmers up as I go.

Hello knitting!

What are you knitting/reading? Would love some good book tips!