Pink and orange wrist warmers Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn’t hurt the untroubled spirit either. Elizabeth Zimmerman I love wearing wrist-warmers when I sit by the computer and write blog… Categories Crafts/Home Comforts
Checkered Wrist Warmers Truth be told I knit these with yarn from my stash, but the colour combination could’ve been inspired by this book I’m reading. It’s called Hello Kitty Must Die by… Categories Crafts
Green wrist warmers with an edge I’ve knitted dark green wrist warmers in baby wool yarn that is really soft. I then crocheted a lace like edge in moss green (not so soft) wool, in two… Categories Crafts
Jolly Roger Wrist Warmers Here are the promised pictures of one of the Christmas gifts I knitted in December. Inspired by Anna of the blog Trassel I knitted these Jolly Roger hand warmers, so… Categories Crafts