iHanna Drawing a Mandala

Mandala by iHanna #1

I have seen mandala drawings and zentangle doodles online for years, and I’ve experimented with them myself. I’ve found Mandlas in collage and through photography, and if you know my fascination with the circle this comes as no surprise. I’ve even doodled a few before (but they’ve been more flower like). But now I’ve fallen in love for real.

I’ve fallen for the meditative slow drawing of the mandala. Fallen in love with starting (always in the middle), drawing slowly, going outwards, finishing it – and feeling its pace.

I’m working on an embroidered mandala right now (as seen in #3 of the e-zine &Stitches), and just posted about this art form (in Swedish) on Broderiakademin. It was after watching one of many youtube videos about how to draw a mandala that I got started. Here, let Maja Rodé, show you:

How to grow a mandala

If you want to see examples of awesome mandala drawings you should visit Tammy of DaisyYellow. Her manaldas have been inspiring me for years too, always vivid, cool and inspiring. And by the way, the theme for Creative Every Day in July is round, quite fitting isn’t it?

Will you draw a mandala this week?

9 Responses

  1. I tried to draw a mandala in my journal last year, but it came out so ugly :(
    I usually like my drawings, but not the mandala I made, because it looked so “crowded” and “stuffy”.
    I like your mandala because it’s fresh, simple and elegant. I have to try to draw something similar and avoid to indulge in tiny tiny details like I did last time.
    Lesson learned! Thank you for inspiring me!

  2. How beautiful! Never tried drawing a mandala, but I’m going to go and research about it because my niece mentioned something about it yesterday. Blessings!


  3. I’ve never tried drawing mandalas. Yours turned out beautiful. Guess I need to try this. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. I enjoy drawing mandalas, too, though I haven’t done much of it lately. The mandala you have posted here is beautiful! I agree with you about enjoying the meditative nature of creating one.

  5. OMG! How did I not know this was an art form? I have done this for years – my doodle of choice. The absolute best way for me to relax. Now I’m inspired to do them deliberately. Thank you so much for this post!

  6. I love it when I just meander and follow links and see where I go. Just yesterday I had an idea of drawing a mandala image to incorporate some symbols for a logo design. It is for an event a coworker is organizing. How fun to navigate today to your blog post (thanks to Creative Every Day) and see your beautiful mandala. What a great video. It surely has me inspired to pick back up a regular practice of making mandalas. Thanks for the inspiration. Hope all is well on your end of the blogosphere.

    {soul hugs}
    Kathryn, Collage Diva

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